Chapter 2

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Will's POV:

The bell on the door jingled as I made my way into Bayview Animal Rehabilitation and Adoption Center.

"Will!" I heard the sound of Luca's voice and turned around just in time for him to jump on to me.

"Woah, bud," I say as I set him down gently and ruffle his already wayward hair, "Did you really miss me that much?"

"Oh my goodness! You won't believe what happened today!" He exclaims as I lead him over to the check out desk to sign him out. "Bruno got out and he was running all over the place and everyone was trying to stop him," Luca pauses to take a deep breath before continuing to ramble on. I give the secretary a small smile as I shepherd Luca out the door.

On the walk back I learn the whole story of how Bruno (who is apparently a very crazy rabbit) got out of his cage and wreaked havoc on the whole shelter before Luca caught him. As Luca finishes telling me how he heroically was able to scoop up Bruno before she got in any other animals crates, we arrive at Adam's house. Immediately my heart drops into my stomach.

Adam's car is there, like it is usually. Brad's car is there and although I wish it wasn't I was expecting that. The third car sitting in the street right in front of the house is what makes my blood run cold.

It's Becky's car.

She would only be here for one reason. I'm moving to a different home.

That would not be good. That would mean I would have to leave Luca here, all alone, with that asshole Adam. He would have no one to protect him. If the things that Adam did to me happen to Luca, I would die. He's so young, he just was put into foster care. I know he still has a chance of being adopted, I can't let Adam ruin him.

This is all my fault. I should have been better. Maybe if I was a good kid, Adam would have been able to tolerate me. I was always provoking him and making him mad. If I just did what he told me to, he would have wanted to keep me.

I know Adam is a shit person and I should be glad to get rid of him, but there's a part of me that just wants his validation. Sometimes, all I want is for him to want me and think I'm good enough for him.

"Do you know whose car that is?" I hear Luca's voice coming from somewhere, "Will! Do you know whose car that is?" Lucas' repeated question snaps me out of my daze. I look down and see him pointing at Becky's car.

"Umm..." I pause, debating whether or not to tell him the truth, "I don't know, I guess we'll see when we go inside."

"Do you think it's one of Adam's friends?" Luca looks up at me with fear in his eyes.

"No, it isn't," I assure him, "I think it might actually be Becky, my social worker's car."

"Are you leaving?" Luca asks me.

"No, no. I bet she's just here to check in on me or something ..." I let the rest of my sentence trail off as Becky, Brad, and Adam walk out of the front door in a single file line. Luca grabs my hand as they approach us. I can feel his hand quivering in mine so I give him a reassuring squeeze.

"Our meeting was at 3 o'clock, not 6. Just like how it is every month," Brad speaks first, crossing his arms as he stares at me.

"I forgot it was today," I explain, putting on my best innocent expression, "I had to go pick up Luca from his volunteer program."

"You knew it was today, Becky told me that you confirmed it with her by text this morning," Brad and I both look at Becky as she nods in confirmation. Damn, I wish Becky didn't betray me like that. I try to mutter out another excuse but before I can, Becky speaks up.

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