Chapter 5

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Wills POV:

By the time we're done with the tour, it's around 6:30. As we walk past the original room that we were in, Vincent calls us back in.

"Becky is going to be staying for dinner," Vincent informs us.

"Also," Becky adds, "While you weren't here, Brad called me. You're actually going to have a different probation officer here. Originally, we were planning on having them virtually, but he feels that you need to meet in person. You'll meet your new probation officer tomorrow at a local cafe, his name is Chris."

Although I know I shouldn't feel this scared, my brain automatically jumps to the Chris who was one of my foster brothers when I was nine. I can't even think about what happened without needing to puke.

"Come here, Will. I promise you'll like it. Remember, don't tell anyone, this is our little secret."

"What are you doing? Stop."

"It's okay, we're going to have so much fun together."

"I don't like this. Chris, please stop."

"You're fine."


"Shh Will. Remember, this is our little secret, we don't want anyone to hear us."

"I don't like doing this Chris."

"I like it though, don't you want to make me happy?"

"I guess."

"Good, come here then."

"But I really don't like it."

"We just talked about this, come. here."

"Please stop Chris!"

"You're fine Will."

"It really hurts."

"I know, push through the pain for me, okay."

"I want to stop."

"You need to learn how to be strong, Will. I'm going to help you."

"But it hurts."


"Why can't I tell anyone?"

"Because I said you couldn't."

"Why not though? You said there was nothing wrong with it."

"Because it's a secret between the two of us, remember?"

"I know, but I don't like it."

"Do you want to tell someone?"


"But that would really hurt my feelings. Do you want to hurt my feelings, Will?"


"Then keep it a goddamn secret."


When Becky notices my panicked look, she stands up and comes over to me. I take a couple deep breaths to refocus myself.

"Not that one," she whispers in my ear so only I can hear.

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