Chapter 12

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I slowly groan and open my eyes. This is not good. I shouldn't be here, lying here, weak and pathetic in front of them. I try to prop myself up on my elbows, so I can get up.

"Will, you're not going anywhere," Vincent says, "The doctor should be here soon, and we're going to make sure you're all fixed up, okay?"

"I'm fine," I insist, "I don't want the doctor."

Like, I really don't want the doctor.

Vincent's phone dings with a notification, and he glances at it before showing it to me.

"See, she's going to be here in around half an hour, alright? She's very nice, I promise, she's been all of your brother's doctors since they were babies, and she was your doctor when you were here with us," He explains trying to reassure me.

"I don't want the doctor!" I say again.

If the doctor comes she'll see my scars and she'll tell Vincent and his sons about them. I definitely don't need that happening. Because after that happens there are usually 3 options:

They're absolutely disgusted, revolted, disturbed, e.t.c. and "Don't know if having you stay with us is the best course of action, let me go contact Beckie"

They throw a massive pity party, which leaves them feeling better about themselves, and me feeling like I'm going to vomit. This option is usually followed a couple of weeks or months later giving me back because the tragedy of it all is "too much"

And lastly, but probably the most common in my experience; Figuring out that I'm a worthless piece of shit and following in the footsteps of so many before, beat the absolute living daylight out of me! Fun, right?

Basically, the prospects don't look good for me if they find out. So, I think it's perfectly reasonable for me not to see the doctor, however, I would have a hard time explaining this to them without, you know, showing them the fucking scars, which would defeat the whole purpose of avoiding the doctor in the first place.

If you couldn't tell, I am very much in a state of panic, also, unfortunately for me, I am absolutely exhausted. I can tell I'm about to pass out again, which would probably not help convince Vincent that I don't need a doctor.

But it's so comfortable under these blankets, and my eyes are trying to close on their own. I try to keep telling them I don't want a doctor as I pass out for the second time today.

I try to stay silent as my feet move along the floorboards of the house. The TV is blasting from the next room and I can see George passed out on the armchair, the ground littered with empty beer bottles and chip bags. I'm almost up the stairs when I hear a large voice booming throughout the cramped house.

"Will? Is that you, you little shit? Don't think I didn't notice you snuck out. Get your ass down here, boy!" George says. Even though he never yelled, his voice was always too loud.

I debate just trying to make a run up the rest of the way and hide, but eventually decide against it, that'll just make his punishment even worse. I slowly turn around and move slowly down the steps, trying to delay the inevitable.

"Hustle, boy!" George commands, and I quicken my pace.

I finally reach him.

He knees me in the gut, but I don't fall over.

"Looks like someone needs to learn how to go down, huh?" George asks, sending his fist into my jaw.

After a couple more blows, I collapse to the ground. It may seem pathetic that I gave in so easily, but George packs quite a punch, and I've found, with him it's easier to go down quickly.

"Who said you were allowed to leave this house?" George asks had his foot crashes into my stomach.

That's another thing about George. He may seem like your average brand of child abuser, but he has a fun little quirk, that isn't really particularly cool or quirky in my opinion.

He doesn't let me leave the house.

Like, at all.

That was the first time I had left the house in the 2 months I had been living with him. I usually stayed locked up in a small closet inside his room where he would only let me out to make him food or bring him beer. Other than that, I stayed locked up in the closet along with his smelly, sweaty, gross clothes. The only time I could eat or drink was when I snuck something while cooking for him.

"Answer me, boy!" George commands, digging his foot back into my side, knocking the wind out of me, "Who. Gave. You. Permission. To. Leave. The. God. Damn. House?"

"No one, sir," I wheeze.

"I couldn't hear you!"

"No one, sir," I repeat, my voice starting to come back.

"Will you do it again?" George asks, leaning down over me, so his stinky breath is wafting right in my face.

"No, sir," I say.

"Now that wasn't so hard was it?" George gives me one final shove with his boot, before heading to the dingy kitchen, and disappearing into the basement.

When he reemerges a few minutes later, in his hand is a giant coil of chain.

"Since you can't take enough responsibility to respect me after all I do for you, I'm going to have to make sure you learn how to respect me, and my rules for you, which you know include not leaving the house," He says, his voice giving me chills.

He strikes me with the chain, causing my body to scream in pain.

"Stand up, boy," He directs.

I slowly heave my aching body into a standing position. I stay sort of slouched, with my eyes on the ground, so he doesn't think I would have the nerve to look him in the eye.

"Hold out your hands," He tells me.

I do nothing.

"I said, hold out your hands, now," He repeats, moving closer to me.

After I still do nothing, he roughly grabs my wrists and thrusts them forward. He drops most of the chain, leaving the end in his hand. I finally notice that there was a pair of handcuffs attached to the chain. He gives me a wicked grin, then snaps the handcuffs onto my waiting hands.

"Have fun trying to sneak out again," He sneers. He uses the chain to drag me back to his chair, where he sets himself down, then uses the chain to yank me to my knees. "You're going to be by my side until whatever-the-fuck-her-name-is finds another home that'll take damaged goods."


Well, it's been a while, so sorry about that.

I would say that life has been hectic, but it really hasn't. I just haven't felt particularly motivated to write and I've also had a massive, crushing case of writer's block!

I don't know when I'll be able to update again, but I'll try to make it as soon as possible. I have a big AP test coming up and I really need to study, along with the school year ending soon.

I don't have any idea of what I want to happen in this story, so if you have any ideas, please tell me (maybe then I'll be able to update sooner)


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