Chapter 6

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Before I went to bed that night, I checked in on Luca in the room next to me. Cracking open the door in between our rooms, I glanced at his curled up sleeping form. I smiled to myself, lying there he looked so small and precious. Seeing that he was fine, I turned back to my room.

"Will?" Luca's small voice whispered behind me.

"Yeah?" I whispered back, moving over to sit on his bed.

"Do you think we'll stay here?" He looked up at me hopefully.

"We'll see," I say, trying to be as honest as I can without breaking his heart.

I don't know if they'll want to keep me, Leo certainly doesn't. But even if they send me back I hope Luca can stay. They don't seem that bad, all I want is for Luca to have a safe home and I think he could find that here.

"They definitely really like you, though," I add, trying to make him feel better after noticing the hurt look on his face.

"You think?" He asks, his face lighting up with a small smile.

"Of course," I say, smiling back at him and ruffling his hair.

"Ok, I guess. Goodnight, Will."

"Goodnight, Luca. I'll see you in the morning. It's all going to be fine, okay? I promise." I say as I head back to the door.

"Okay." I hear him whisper as I shut the door.

I just hope I can keep that promise.


I wake up to Jaden shaking me.

Someone's screaming really fucking loudly.


It's me screaming.

I shut my mouth.

"Will, are you okay?" Jaden asks.

Why is Jaden here?

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say, looking up to find all the whole family and Luca staring at me.

Why are they here?

"Did you have a nightmare?" Vincent asks.

"No, I was just screaming for fun," I say with a straight face.

"Why would you do that?" Vincent says, not joking.

"I was being sarcastic, of course I had a nightmare," I say, rolling my eyes.

I started wiping off the sweat that had accumulated on my face as I presumably rolled around. I get nightmares a lot. Becky says it's because of my "traumatic past", but I wouldn't really know since I never remember what I have nightmares about and it always takes me a couple of minutes to remember where I am after I wake up.

"About what?" Vincent asks.

"I dunno," I say, fiddling with my hands, "I can't remember."

Luca jumps up onto the bed and gives me a tight hug. I returned it gratefully.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his voice quiet.

"Yeah, I'm fine bud. Don't worry about it," I reply.

"Well, we're worried about it," Vincent says.

"Why?" I ask, "It happens all the time. It's no big deal."

"It is a big deal, Will," Leo says.

"Since when did you care?" I snap.

"Since you woke us all up at 3 am screaming bloody murder," Leo replies.

Fair enough.

"Well, I'm sorry," I say, "You can all go back to sleep now."

"We're not going back to sleep, Will," Kaiden says from behind Jaden.

"Well, I am," I say, turning on my side, pulling the covers over my shivering body and Luca's small one next to mine.

I try to fall back asleep, or at least pretend to. Inside, my head and heart are racing a thousand miles per hour. I just wish they would all leave so I could take a shower.

What I normally do after a nightmare, is take a shower, scrubbing myself raw as if it will get rid of the memories that all come flooding back after a night like this. It never works.

"Fine, we'll talk in the morning," Vincent sighs.

Like hell, we will. I already have a plan that involves getting the fuck out of here to go for a run before anyone can try to talk to me.

Accepting defeat, the family trudges out the door, leaving me and Luca alone in my bed, snuggled up together.

As soon as Luca is sleeping soundly, I slip out of the bed. I silently pad across the room until I reach the bathroom. I step in, slowly closing the door behind so it doesn't creak. There's probably nothing in this house that's old enough to creak, but better to be safe than sorry.

The burning water rolls off my head and shoulders, leaving my skin red. I still have a couple of bruises left from Adam and they hurt like hell as the water runs across them. I bury my head in my hands and let the tears fall freely.

My first night here and I already had a nightmare. I could tell what Vincent was thinking by the way he was looking at me. Like there was something wrong with me, something that he had to fix. Unfortunately for his savior complex, I was just fine on my own.

Also, I could not figure Leo out. One second he's telling his dad they need to get rid of me because I'm dangerous. The next he's giving me pitying looks and acting helpful. I wish he would just pick one, and preferably not the one where he's acting like wants to kill me.

Then again, I certainly don't want his pity. Maybe a balance between the two of them where he just ignores me. That seems like it would be a lot better.

At least they all seem friendly with Luca. As long as they treat him well I couldn't care less what they do to me. If they hurt him though, I wouldn't hesitate to at least try my best to take them all on.

With that thought, I shut the shower off, step out and wrap myself up in a towel. I pull on running clothes before scrawling out a note for Luca and heading out.

As I'm about to pass through the kitchen to leave before they all wake up, I hear Vincent's voice calling me into the kitchen.

"You didn't honestly think you could leave without discussing the night with us, did you?"

What I want to say is Of course I thought I could get out of the house without you noticing because otherwise, I would still be in bed, not trying to sneak out at 5 am. But instead, I hang my head and slowly shuffle into the kitchen, mentally preparing myself for this conversation.


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Just a disclaimer: 

I don't read the chapters over before I publish them (even though I know I should), so if you see mistakes or something, let me know so I can fix it :)

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