Chapter 4

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Will's POV:

Leo led us into another room that seemed to be another living room, except a bit less extravagant.

Kaiden plopped down on a plush armchair, picked up a book that had been turned upside down on the side table next to it and started reading. The rest of the boys followed suit and sat down on one of the couches or chairs.

"You two can sit down here," Jaden said, gesturing next to him.

Luca practically dragged me over to the couch and sat down as I positioned myself next to him but in between him and Jaden. Jaden seemed to have good intentions but appearances can be deceiving and it's always better not to take chances.

"So, tell us a little bit about yourselves," Jaden prompts after we sit.

"I'm Luca! I'm ten years old. I lived with my mom and dad near the beach, until they got in a car crash. But it's okay, because then I moved in with Will and Adam, they were both super nice to me," Luca rushes out with a smile before his face turns dark, "Even if Adam wasn't very nice to Will."

I turned to Luca sharply, "What?" I asked. God, I hope he never saw what Adam did. He should never know any of the shit that happened to me.

"Like when you came home late and he threw that glass at your head."

"He what?" The brothers said in unison.


"Or when his friends came over -" I clapped my hand over Luca's mouth before he could tell them about how Adam's friends held me down while he carved an 'A' into my side with a knife.

Or how his friends would burn my arms on the stovetop if I didn't get them something they wanted.

Or how they would have "competitions" to see who could give me the biggest bruise.

You get the point.

I went through that shit to make sure that Luca didn't have to. I should have done a better job making sure he was in his room with headphones in so he couldn't hear.

I looked up at the brothers all staring at us intently. Kaiden's book sat abandoned on his lap.

"Care to elaborate, Will?" Leo said from his perch on the armrest of an armchair.

"No," I said, removing my hand from Luca's mouth. "It was nothing. A joke," I added seeing their stares.

"But it wasn't a joke when he-" I clapped my hand over Luca's mouth yet again.

I love him but sometimes he needs to learn how to read the room.

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity, Jaden cleared his throat and gave Leo a meaningful stare.

"Fine, you don't have to tell us anything right now," Leo said, "Why don't we show you your rooms."

I slowly took my hand off of Luca's mouth while silently telling him to keep his mouth shut about this.

"Okay!" Luca exclaimed, his cheeky grin back on his face. I don't know how he changes his emotions so quickly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"Your rooms are next to each other and they have a connecting door on the inside," Theo informed us as we climbed a set of stairs.

"Really?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, Betty, or whatever her name was said you guys were really close," He explained.

"You mean Becky?" Luca asked.

"Yeah, we talked with her on the phone," Theo said.

"Becky's super nice. She got me walkie-talkies for my birthday!" Luca replies.

"That's super cool dude. Do you still have them?" Theo asked.

"Yup! I use them with my friends from the shelter. Well, I guess I used them."

"The shelter?" Theo inquired.

"I used to volunteer at an animal shelter after school. It was so fun, we took the dogs for walks and got to feed the animals. Yesterday, when we left, I was there and this bunny named Bruno escaped!" Luca starts telling Theo the story that he had already told me.

I'm glad to see them getting along. Theo seems pretty nice, which is good because I'll have to go to school with him.

We stop in front of two doors.

"Here we are," Jaden said.

"We didn't decorate them, we didn't know what you'd want," Kaiden added quietly.

"We'll go shopping soon and you can pick out posters and stuff," Theo said.

"This is Luca's room," Leo said, pushing open the door on the right and walking in.

As I stepped into the room, it took a conscious effort to not let my jaw drop. I heard Luca gasp beside me.

A large four poster bed is pushed against the far wall. On the right, there was a sliding door that had been pushed open, showing a large walk-in closet. Set against the wall next to the door was a desk with a bunch of things on it, including an iPad, some board games, and a remote control car.

On the left wall, there were a few bookshelves filled with books from top to bottom. On the floor, there lay a large navy blue fuzzy rug. There was also another door, which I assumed led to my room.

"Do you like it? Because we can change it," Theo asks after noticing us staring.

"I love it! I can't believe you got all these things for me!"

"Of course we would bud," Jaden said with a smile.

"Why don't we move on to Will's room then," Leo said with no emotion. I guess he was back to his cold self.

The six of us moved through the door into my room.

It was basically the same thing as Luca's but flipped and a bit bigger. I'd never had a room like this before. On the desk there lay a brand new iPhone and Macbook Pro.

"Do you like it?" This time it was Kaiden asking the question.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied.

I might not have been as enthusiastic on the outside as Luca but on the inside, I was probably more. Luca had lived with his parents who were, from what Becky told me, pretty "comfortable". Translation: Rich as fuck.

"Why don't we go get your stuff from the car?" Jaden suggested.

"This is all we have," I said, gesturing to Luca's and my backpack.

"Oh," Jaden said, exchanging a glance with Theo.

"What about a tour of the house, then?" Kaiden suggested.


I don't really like writing descriptions, so I'm going to skip the house tour.

I hope you're enjoying the story!

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