Chapter 1 - The Healer

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*Thank you for reading! This is my first story and I hope you enjoy

"Ah...Gabby! There you are!"
I quickly turned to the direction of the male voice behind me. I was so focused on work that I was briefly startled but internally groaned when I realized it was Jack. I really don't have time for this. It took all of my willpower to stop myself from rolling my eyes. There were only two more hours left on my twelve-hour shift but I had so much more left to do. I didn't have time to chat, especially with him. I was on my way to assist another doctor so I didn't slow my rushed pace as I dodged people and equipment in the busy halls of the hospital.

I stopped, only to acknowledge his presence before curtly replying,"Dr. Carson".  I returned his smug smile with a forced smile. I constantly had to remind him that we needed to keep it formal between us at work. "I was just on my way to assist Dr. Dresden" I announced a little too loudly while resuming my power walk.

I knew that some of the other nurses nearby were probably watching. I looked around and saw a male and female nurse nearby quickly look down at the paperwork in front of them, desperately trying to appear uninterested in us. But I had no doubt they were straining to hear.  All of my interactions with Jack hardly go unnoticed.

I know I shouldn't care, but it bothered me. I wanted the gossiping around us to stop. However, I seem to be the only one bothered by the attention. The determined doctor quickened his pace and stopped right in front of me to stall my escape. I stopped and glared up at him.

"I just wanted to let you know....Nurse Alarie" he emphasized my name with a tone dripping in disdain for the formality. "That sweet little old lady you were so attached to this morning is going to pull through. No bypass needed... and vitals are strong! Honestly, it was a complete turnaround in such a short time. I'm perplexed, but at least the family is ecstatic." He then grabbed my arm and shoved me into an unoccupied storage room. His mouth immediately covered mine as the door closed behind him.

His lips were warm and soft, but the kiss was more rough than gentle. He pressed his lips firmly against me, trying to pry my mouth open. I was distracted momentarily by his roaming hands, allowing him the chance to force his way into my mouth. In the past, I always gave in and surrendered to his forceful affection. It felt good to be so strongly desired. It reminded me of....well, I pushed that thought away as soon as it popped up. I forced myself to remember where we were.

As his hands cupped and squeezed my ass I grabbed his wrist and pushed him off. I breathlessly blurted out "Jack! Stop!" I was desperate to regain some sense of control over the situation.

My heart was racing and my chest heaved. I'm sure he thought it was a reaction to his kiss. In actuality, my stomach was doing cartwheels with a quick realization. I was calculating the hours in my head since my last spell. It had took only 4 hours for my healing incantation to work on that sweet old woman.

Earlier in my shift, I'd snuck to her bedside. I just needed a moment, one brief moment alone with her. I took my opportunity when one of her relatives went out to find food in the cafeteria downstairs. Thankfully I was able to complete my spell before anyone came back into the room. 

That poor woman's situation rapidly deteriorated after a second heart attack and her status was critical. I was moved by the heartbreak her illness caused her family. They loved her so deeply. I knew I needed to help her.

My mother always told me that the more powerful I became, the quicker my healing spells would manifest themselves. That meant it would take less time to cast a successful spell and less of a chance of being discovered. So this was a good sign. My spell was short and the effects were not instantaneous enough to draw any suspicion.

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