Laura sat in Perry's tent, letting the older girl brush her off and held an ice pack gently, silent tears running down her face.


"Are you okay?" Perry asks, noticing the crying.


"Yeah, I'm just really, really, angry. What kind of raging b-bad person thinks that they can just get away with something like that?" Laura asks.


"I should've broken his nose."


"Don't worry, I'm pretty sure that Carmilla is about to." Perry says with a gesture to the sand where Carmilla was up on the sand covered platform, her muscles all standing at attention, facing down the terrified young man who had already thoroughly had the snot beaten out of him.


"Why is he still in there?" Laura asks, confused, as Perry wipes the scrape on Laura's cheek clean.


"You left the ring before you were declared winner." Perry immediately responds, her brain a steel trap for all things related to rules, nursing, cleaning, and LaFontaine.


"Poor guy has no idea of what he's up against." Laura mutters though she actually has no shits to give for the boy.


"Plus, he's already gotten her riled up by hurting you. He couldn't have dug himself any other worse grave. I wouldn't be surprised if we found him floating in the ocean later today." Perry confesses, smearing some kind of cream on the cut.


"Why do you say that?" Laura asks as the sound of Carmilla's vengeance echoes out to them.


"She obviously cares a lot about you and that's rare for her. I've never even seen her with friends before, or any kind of significant other. I just assumed that she was sort of married to her work." Perry explains, digging around in her kit.


"People assume things about Carm a lot. In all honesty, she's one of the kindest and gentlest people I have ever met. She cares more about all of us than she will ever be willing to admit. Just because she doesn't have friends, doesn't mean that she doesn't want them." Laura grumbles, accepting the eye drops that Perry offered her.


"I guess that I've just not ever thought about it like that." Perry admits.




Carmilla's match with Robinson did t last nearly long enough to suit her, even if did leave the ring with a bloody nose and a bruise flowering in his cheekbone, the placement everything but accidental. Her next to opponents were up and beaten down, just as quickly. She barely paused to acknowledge Laura's presence when the wounded girl rejoined them. She was naturally very aggressive in style, starting her next match with a round to the head that the sorry guy barely dodged before spinning into a reverse turn side kick.


"Carm, there's no fire honey. Take your time or you won't be able to handle everyone." Laura advises, resting her elbows info the ropes and repeating her own advice to her.

Hollstein Karate AU (Broken Champion on AO3)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن