

    When Laura woke up again, she was alone. She pinched herself and shook her head to be sure that it wasn't all a dream, but no, her mind was full of the sensations of Carmilla's fingers in her hair and skin against hers.


   "Good morning, Danny. You didn't sleep in LaF's room?" Laura asks when they bump into each other in the hall as she goes to the bathroom.


    "No, I opted to get wasted at the Zeta bonfire." Danny grumbles.


    "You hate the Zetas." Laura points out in confusion.


    "Exactly." The taller girl groans cryptically and shuffles into their room to change.


     "So, how about last night?" LaF asks as they brush their teeth side by side.


     "What about last night?" Laura responds, suddenly anxious that someone had seen her and Carmilla looking like they were about to kiss


    "Carmilla playing knight in shining armor when you nearly drowned and then playing nurse with your unconscious naked self." LaF explains looking surprised that Laura didn't already know. "Nobody told you?"


    "She saw me naked?" Laura squeaks. "She dried me off...naked? Everywhere?" Laura asks, trying to justify the many sides of Carmilla in her mind.


    "That's what I'm saying. She looks at you like you're God's greatest gift to mankind. But, she's the only one who saw everything. She was quite adamant about that. I kinda thought that she might pee on you or make you wear a sign that says 'MINE' on it in large letters." LaF chuckle at Laura's bright red face.


   "Oh, my, TARDIS." She sighs nearly unable to stand due to her intense embarrassment.


   "I doubt that she would be mean about it or anything." LaFontaine tries to reassure her.


   "Yeah, I guess she's not that bad." Laura says, remembering how gentle she was as they spent the night together.


    "Yeah." LaF replies and they finish brushing their teeth in thoughtful silence.



     "Oh, my God, kill me now." Laura pants, her lungs burning out of her chest from oxygen deprivation and her legs feeling like they were going to dissolve into a gelatinous mess. As soon as she was able she stopped and grabbed her water. Carmilla collapses beside of her and wordlessly nabs Laura's water bottle out of her hand.


    "Hey!" She complains.


     "You owe me your life. Water is the least you can do."Carmilla chides with a smirk.


       "I guess." She replies and gets another out of the case.


       Carmilla drains her bottle and goes back to running the staircases with the others, making Laura wonder if she had only stopped to pick on her. The staircase that they are running is cut right into the mountain and once she had to wonder how Coach Lawrence had found this place. The two teams are surrounded by greenery and forest, the view was a gorgeous one of the ocean. The trees grew more and more lush the higher they climbed and when they reached the bottom they hit ocean water before turning and going back up. The staircase led up to a cave system where Coach Lawrence and the Zeta coach sat tracking their respective teams progress.  


       Laura's feet pounded on stone as she shoved the burning in her legs to the back of her mind. She focused her eyes ahead of er, landing in her sparring partner, three or four sets of stairs ahead of her. She felt kind of wrong for using Carmilla's ass as motivation to keep going, but figured that if nobody knew it wouldn't hurt anyone. Those tiny black shorts of hers weren't helping matters. Then suddenly the ground wasn't underneath her anymore and someone's strong grip on her shoulders was holding her up.


    "Thanks..." She murmured, praying that Carmilla hadn't just saved her again. She looked up and locked eyes with a stranger, a shirtless, male stranger. “Laura.” she responded and took off running again, stuck behind some other shirtless Zeta instead of Carmilla’s back end.

Hollstein Karate AU (Broken Champion on AO3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora