All That Matters

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"Okay, listen up everyone! We have had the best year so far with the holidays, let's not fuck it up." My husband smacks me on the back of the head. "Lucas what the fuck was that for?" Chris, Stacy and of course Lucas laugh.

"Well for starters you just jinxed us all." My husband cocks an eyebrow at me and smirks.

"Nothing can be worse than that one New Year's Eve." Chris shudders and Stacy laughs. " Oh come on Chris it wasn't that bad."

"The hell it wasn't!" Lucas and I shout.

"Maybe not for you boys, but I was in heaven." She laughs again as Chris glares and points a finger at her.

"I swear to God Spitfire!"

"Oh, is my husband getting all flustered?"

I can't help but laugh and Lucas joins me. "Fuck you guys!" Chris storms past us to the kitchen.

"You're in for it now, Stace." I chuckle and she waves a hand dismissively. "I can handle him." I'm sure she can. "But seriously guys does anyone remember exactly how that happened?" I shrug my shoulders and look at my husband as he shakes his head.

"Beats the hell out of me. We were all so trashed."

"CHRIS!!!" Stacy yells and almost blows out our eardrums doing it. He stomps back into the room still pouting and it's fucking hilarious.

"Damn woman, are you trying to make us all go deaf?"

Lucas and I both back up from the death glare she is giving her husband. I shake my head and throw my hands in the air waving them like a maniac.

"Oh fuck no! We are not starting a fight and fucking up our good luck streak." Stacy looks at me and I give her the most puppy dog eye look I can muster.

"Fuck alright. Chris darling." She says through a tight lip, "do you remember what happened that night." He sighs and rakes his fingers through his hair. "No, but I do remember the morning after and I would love to forget that. Thank you very much."

"It can't be any worse than us having sex in the same room." Lucas says with a shrug.

Two Years Ago

"We are lucky that the kids are with your parents tonight Jax." My smoking hot husband wraps his arms around my waist as he slurs. "I wouldn't want our beloved children seeing us like this." I can't help but laugh.

"Yeah because we are Fathers of the year." I laugh and he shoves my shoulder. There is a loud crash and that temporarily distracts me from Lucas's hands roaming my body. I swear whose idea was it any way to invite this many people? Like we are back in college or some shit.

Oh shit that would be me! Damn what was I thinking?

"Son of a bitch Jax! Who the hell are all these people?" Lucas's glossy eyes try to focus on me.

"I don't know but this shit needs to stop." I stumble as I walk towards where the crash was.

"Touch my wife again and I will fucking kill you!" I hear Chris snarl and that gets me to sober up some. I look at Lucas and he is straightening up and stalking towards the kitchen.

"The red vixen wanted it." the drunken asshole said. Who the fuck is this guy?

"What the hell did you just say?" Stace all but growls at the guy as he staggers back. I want to step in but I know our girl can handle herself. She stalks towards him as Chris tries to move past her. She stops him dead in his tracks with a gentle smile and pat on his cheek. "I got this babe."

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