Jail,Would Have Been Worth It

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"Jaxon, babe! We are going to be late!"

I put on my jacket and turn to look at a email that just popped up on my notifications.

"Are you fucking serious?! I don't want to go." I see my husband pout and I can't help but laugh. "Quit being a baby Jax, we are kind of obligated to go. I mean, it is our company Christmas party."

"Yeah but the last one I attended I could have landed in jail."

I remember that clearly it was a couple of years ago. I get up and walk over to him pulling him closer to me by his belt loops.

"Nothing is going to happen like that again."

"It better not asshole. Because jail...would be so worth it." I go to take off my glasses but he stops me. "Don't" he grabs my hands, "you look so damn sexy with those on." He steals my breath as his lips crash onto mine. God I feel like we are nineteen all over again. I still get that electric shock to my system everytime.

"Seriously dad!"

Mikayla stands at our door shaking her head at us.

"Fucking cock blockers" I mumble under my breath and my husband chuckles at how flustered I am.

"Can't leave you two alone for one moment." Brayden says as he gives us an amused look.

"Well I think it's sweet." Our little girl says as Bray rolls his eyes.

"Well you two could, oh I don't know...maybe not interrupt us." Jax crosses his arms on his chest.

"Well shut your door!" The kids say in unison.

"Quit that shit! It's still creepy after all these years." They all just laugh at me, even my husband. Damn him, that cocky son of a bitch.

"Are we ready to go?" Bray asks and Jax shakes his head. "Apparently your dad is throwing a tantrum." I say to Bray.

"Am not! I might end up in jail almost like last time."

"Oh that's right! That would have been well deserved." Kay nods her head as Jax kisses her forehead.

"I don't need to have your mother bail you out of jail again."

The kids look at us in shock. "Hey she had to bail you out too."

"Yeah well it was worth it." Jax nods his head in agreement, while the kids wait for an explanation. "A story for another time kids. Just give us a moment." They leave us alone and I pull Jax into a hug. "Everything will be fine. Aren't you the one who is always optimistic."

"Yeah well it all changes when someone kisses my fucking husband!"

Christmas Party Two Years Ago

CSOB: Where the hell are you?

Me: In my office. I'll be right down to the party in five minutes. Brett said there is some documents I needed to sign.

CSOB: If you are not I'm coming to get you. I need to love up on my hubby.

Me: haha! How much have you had to drink?

CSOB: Not enough to deal with all this. Now hurry that sexy ass up.

I'm about to respond to his text when I hear my door open. I really need to get that creak fixed.

"Jaxon, God you horny bastard I said five minutes." I don't even look up from the documents until I feel an unfamiliar hand on mine. I look up at Brett with confusion.

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