Maybe We Are Cursed

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"I'm telling you Jax this is the stupidest idea ever."

"Oh come on. I think you look incredibly hot as Santa."

The look in his eyes as he pulls me closer to his body, I always get lost in that look he gives me. I swear it's witchcraft how he has me hypnotized by just a damn look.

"Are you trying to tell me you have a thing for older men." I cock an eyebrow up at him. He shoved me in the arm playfully and I laugh at his pout.

"No asshole I just think you look hot in red."

"I still think this is a bad idea." I shake my head just thinking of the things that can go horribly wrong. He pulls me into his arms and kisses my lips, depriving me of all my oxygen. But if this is the way I die, I would gladly accept it, with the way his tongue dances around mine. I can't help but moan into the kiss. Unfortunately he pulls away too quickly for my liking and I growl as he kisses my forehead.

Once he steps away he rummage through a bag I didn't notice and pulls out an outfit.

"And this right here is for later."

"Oh I am not wearing that Jax." He walks up to me and skims his fingers across my cheek. "Oh no love this is my present for you, for being such a good sport about this."

I growl as I imagine his sexy ass body wearing that barely there piece of fabric.


He gives me his signature smug smirk.

"I knew that would do the trick."

"And that right there is why you are my cocky son of a bitch."

His laughter brings a smile to my face. "Okay quit stalling before the kids wake up." I walk out of the room as my husband smacks my ass. I give him a look over my shoulder as he winks at me... Smug bastard

As I get in position I hear the footsteps of our children.

"Daddy why did you wake us up?" Kay asks. "Look who I found." Jax whispers to the kids as I slowly get out of the fireplace. Acting as if I just went down the chimney.

"SANTA!!!" The kids squeal simultaneously which startles me, as I smack my head as I climb out of the fireplace.

I rub the back of my head cursing Jaxon for this. But when I see the delight on their little faces I smile and know the pain in my head is worth it.

"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas Brayden and Mikayla."

"Santa knows our name." Brayden squeals

"Why yes I do. You two have been very good this year. But now you two need to go back to bed or I cannot leave you your presents."

"Awww" they whine together and I surpress a shudder. Because even though they are six years old I still hate that shit and throw a glare at Jax. He tries to hold in his laughter but I see his lips twitching.

"If you go back to bed I will leave you something extra special."

"Okay" they both hug me tightly as I hold my emotions at bay. "Merry Christmas you two." They run up to Jax and hug him. " Best Christmas ever! Where's papa bear?" Kay asks and I start to panic. I don't want to see disappointment in their eyes.

"He's sleeping sweetie."

"But he will miss Santa." Bray whines.

I look at my two children and smile. "Don't worry children I already met your Papa bear but I promise to be back again. Now hurry along and get to bed. I have many more houses to visit."

"Bye Santa." They wave at me as they run up the stairs.

Jax smiles at me and pulls me into his arms. "See not so bad." He pulls me into a kiss and I hum into the kiss. We only pull away when we hear our sweet girl gasp.

"Daddy why are you kissing Santa?"

"Shit!" I mutter and Jax lightly pushes me away. "Mistletoe" is the first thing I blurt out and Jax rolls his eyes. Kay walks up and looks into my eyes and gasps.

"Papa bear, you're Santa."

I bend down and pull the beard off my face. "No sweetie. The real Santa no one knows what he looks like but we wanted to make you guys happy." She throws her arms around in a tight hug.

"You're the best Papa bear. Don't worry I won't tell Bray." I pull away and kiss her head. "Now go to bed or the real Santa won't come."

"Okay." She hugs us both one more time before she runs back to her room.

"Well I ruined that." Jax says sheepishly, while rubbing the back of his neck. I know he feels bad but he had good intentions. "I think it went just fine." I say as I kiss his lips tenderly and he removes the Santa jacket from me.

"Thank you." He grabs my hand and tugs me towards the stairs. "Let's go check on the kids, then I will fill my end of the bargain." As we check on the kids, I am grateful that they are fast asleep.

As we enter our room my husband kisses me with a fiery passion that I gladly return.

"You know what I was thinking Lucas."

"Hmmm" I can't concentrate with him trailing kisses down my neck. "I was thinking of you in one of those onesies with the flap in the back." I pull back looking at him like he has gone mad.

"What? I would have easy access to that sweet ass whenever I want."

"Oh my sweet dumbass husband." I laugh and shake my head. "You have access to me whenever you want, as I have access to your body whenever I want. Now quit stalling and give me a show, you cocky son of a bitch."

He growls at me as he goes into the bathroom and I rush out of the room to check on the kids one more time. Once I know they are completely asleep I rush back in, jump on the bed just in time for him to walk out of the bathroom.

"Hot damn! Come to Papa."

"Whose the dumb ass now. You didn't like it when I said who's your daddy. What makes you think I like this?"

"Fine...fuck! Just give me my show, so I can fuck you good."

"Who said you're going to get the chance?" He sways his hips as he moves towards me and I can't help but laugh because his hard on is making Santa's head look like it's ready jump right off the shorts.

He sits on my lap and starts grinding against me. "Tell Santa what you want Lucassss." He hisses in my ear that leaves shivers all over my body.

"Well I've been awful good boy Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight."

He throws his head back and laughs. "That's so corny reciting a Christmas song." I shrug my shoulders not giving a shit. I just want him now. He stops laughing when he see the look in my eyes. Our lips smash together as we claw at each other's clothes.

"Was it worth it Lucas?"

"So fucking worth it. Now I'm gonna fuck you so good." I flip him over as he spreads his legs.

"I need you." Jax stares into my eyes as I bend down. "I need you too baby." I press my lips to his, as my dick pushes it's way inside him.

"Harder Lucas." I buck my hips forward and thrust harder inside him, as his moans fill the air.

"Do you hear that?" I'm not paying attention to anything but his pants and groans.

"No" I pant out as I lift his legs and go in harder then the last. But then I hear the blaring noise.

"Shit that's the alarm, Lucas you have to stop."

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" I groan as I pull out and put my pants back on. Jax puts sweats on and we rush downstairs.

"Son of a bitch! Call 911!" Jax yells as he runs to get the fire extinguisher.

Nothing ever goes right around the holidays. Maybe we are cursed

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