Turkey Head

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"Come on Jaxon stop. I want this to be perfect."

I press my lips on his neck and Lucas involuntarily leans into me. I love it when I get this reaction out of him, because more than often he does it to me.

"Baby we have the house to ourselves, we really need to take advantage of it for the next..." I looks at the clock, "two and half hours."

I don't give him a chance to do anything else, as I slide my hands down his chest.

"I really think we should be worrying about..."

My hand dips down his boxers.

"Shut up!" I say with a smirk as I kiss him senseless.

Let's just say everything else was forgotten after that.

( What did you really think this is a smut story? Haha! Wrong it's a holiday story get your minds out of the gutter. Y'all can guess what I did to my delicious Lucas, or what he did to me after that.)

"You cocky son of a bitch!"

I jump back and put my hands up in surrender.

"Oh you know you enjoyed it as much as I did."

I smirk at him when he shoves the burnt pie at me.

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't distract me asshole."

I take the pie and throw it in the trash and grab my husband by the waist.

"You're the asshole remember." He goes to shove me away but maybe he forgot that I'm just as strong as him. I just hold him tighter to me.

"Just admit it, you enjoyed yourself...you were very vocal."

"Cocky son of a bitch, I wasn't the only one." He mumbles but his lips twitch upwards as I lean in to kiss his lips.

"I love you Lucas."

I swear I feel like a sap but I could care less. He just makes me feel...alive.

"I fucking love you also." He puts his forehead to mine and I just breathe in his sent. After thinking I lost him and all we have been through, I savor these damn moments.

I hear a stampede of footsteps coming towards us and sigh. I just wanted a little more alone time with my husband.

"Daddy! Adam and Bray are being mean." Mikayla squishes herself between us. I look towards our son and he sheepishly walks towards us of course Adam is right by his side.

"I didn't want her to get hurt." Bray says and I lift an eyebrow at him in question. "We were climbing a tree. I didn't want her to get hurt."

"I can do whatever you boys can do... probably better." She sticks her tongue out.

Ryan just stands by the kitchen with his fiance chuckling. Lucas steps away and crouches near Kay. "You're brother is just looking out for you pumpkin." She pouts but then Bray grabs her hand. "C'mon Kay Kay let's play." He grabs her hand and they run off, all is forgotten and forgiven.

"What happened in here?" Ryan looks around at the mess in the kitchen.

"You don't want to know." We say in unison as we walk towards the living room.

"You know you two sound like the twins."

We sit and banter for awhile until we hear Mikayla scream. We all jump up.

Holiday DisastersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz