First Holiday Disaster

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A/N: So I have had quite a few people ask me about a short story for Jax and Lucas around the holidays so hear it is...I am excited about it. This short story will show times since they got together until the kids are fourteen. Because that is when I start with Brayden and Mikayla's story, and I don't want to spoil their stories.

For the most part of this story our boys will be reminiscing of the past. So if they are telling stories to the kids and you see this *** before and after a conversation that means either Brayden or Mikayla are interrupting the story. I will post twice a week because I want to get it done before the holidays.

I hope you enjoy and as always if you have any suggestions on what kind of disasters they have...I would love to hear them.


"What's the point in all this Jaxon? Every year it turns out in disaster."

"That's not true."

I look at my husband with an incredulous look and he shakes his head and sighs.

"Every holiday no matter what it is, there is always some type of disaster."

Jaxon shakes his head and then stops rummaging through the box of decorations.

"Our first holiday together was not a disaster. I mean it was Halloween for fuck sakes"

He gets this triumphant smile on his face. As I just stare at him with a deadpan look, the smile slowly fades.


"Come here my cocky son of a bitch." He huffs out a breath than comes and sits next to me on the couch.

"When are the kids going to be home?"

"Now you ask that Jax."I chuckle and he shoves my shoulder. "They should be home soon. Kay is with Jade and Bray is doing whatever him and Adam do."

Jax rolls his eyes at me and I pull him closer to me. "But that is another story altogether. So we won't get into that right now."


I kiss his forehead and then look into his eyes. "I'll always be your asshole Jax." He crashes his lips to mine and I pull him on top of me. But of course we always get interrupted, even after all these years.

"Kay I swear to God I will beat the shit out of him."

"You do that Bray and I will cut off your balls. Why don't you worry about your love triangle between you, Adam and Michelle."

"For the last time there is nothing going on! You pest!"

"Ignore them." Jax says breathless.

"I plan on it." As I kiss his lips again and grab his hips and bring him closer to me.

"Dad!" They both yell at the same time. I really hate when they do that shit.

"Fucking cock blockers." Jaxon mumbles. I caress his cheek. "We will finish this later." I say as Jax flops down next to me, and Bray sits next to me, Kay is next to Jax.

"Do you two always have to go at it?" Kay rolls her eyes.

"Ha! Not likely, we were way worse then this, before you two were born." Jax says smugly and I wink at him.

"Yeah right!" They say in unison.

I jump off the couch and point to our children.

"Will you two knock it off with that shit! It's like it's fucking echoing in my head."

They laugh and Bray looks around and looks at Jax.

"Don't you think it's early for Christmas stuff?"

"Never too early for the holidays." He says proudly and the kids start laughing again.

Holiday DisastersWhere stories live. Discover now