She nods, handing him the photo to which he puts in his pocket again, "What do we have to do??" she asks him.

"That's the beauty of a siphon, we don't have to prepare like other spells all the time." he tells Clara with a smirk. He grabs both her hands and holds them between them. "Siphons, we can feel magic. And if you're good enough, you can tell the difference of a spell, a curse, a block, or just  plain magic. First, I'm gonna get you your memories back." he tells her rather confidently.

Their hands begin to glow a dim red as he focus's on the spell placed on her memories, taking the magic from it. Clara gasps as she closes her eyes, suddenly overwhelmed with memories she didn't know she had. Kai continues and takes the magic that was blocking her from doing her own magic.

Slowly the glow fades and he lets her go of her hands. Keeping his hands up in case she were to fall. Clara sways for a moment but doesn't fall. She opens her eyes and stares at Kai. "Our family sucks." she tells him honestly.

Kai chuckles at her words, "I'm aware. Now do you remember how you siphoned all that magic?" he asks her, dropping his arms as she stopped swaying.

Slowly Clara nods, "Yeah, when the coven was trying to sent you away, I was trying to stop them but then it goes dark and I wake up on my way to... here." she explains as she recalls a young her screaming in fear for Kai all those years ago.

"Well that's good! You got a lot of powerful Gemini magic in you. You probably have a weeks worth of magic left in you if you use it well." Kai explains with a shrug at the end.

"Okay, then I have to be strategic about it." Clara clarifies. 

Kai nods, "Yeah. Still remember how to get more magic?" he questions with an eyebrow raise.

Clara rolls her eyes jokingly, "Course I remember. Focus. Feel the magic. Take it for yourself." she tells him with a smile.

Kai smirks, "That's my girl. Now, lets go see what our friends are scheming." he tells her, turning  her around, through his arm on her shoulder leading them to the boarding house.

"They aren't fond of you." Clara tells him as they walk, "So I wouldn't be surprised if they chose to backstab you" she continues as they enter the home.

"Lets go listen in then, shall we?" Kai says as they stop to listen to the two in the kitchen.

"Maybe there is hope for you." the two hear Bonnie say.

"Look, we can still get outta here, Bonnie. We can steal that 'Descendant' contraption find out what Kai knows, get Clara, and we'll ditch him, because he doesn't have any powers anyways." Damon attempts to plan.

Kai and Clara silently step into the doorway, "Actually its not that simple." Kai says grabbing their attention.

Damon eyes the two unamused, "You gotta stop doing that. It's creepy. Also what's up with... that." he says gesturing to the two with Kai's arm still on Clara's shoulder. "Did you move on from killer Klaus to creeper Kai?" Damon questions the girl.

Clara furrows her brows at his words, "Ew. No." she tells him as Kai drops his arm.

"Here's the thing," Kai starts, regaining the others attention, "I have a killer effect on magic. I can't generate it myself. But, I can consume it from others temporarily." he starts wandering into the kitchen, going to Bonnie who stood up from her seat. "My family called us an abomination. That hurt my feelings." he says before grabbing Bonnie's wrists.

A red glow of magic appears on Kai's hands as he hold Bonnie's wrists with one hand and he points with his other at Damon causing Damon to double over in pain as Bonnie does the same, feeling the magic forcefully leave her. Fires began to rise around the kitchen around Damon for a few seconds. "Okay we get it." Damon groans and shouts in pain. 

Kai glances at Clara before letting go of Bonnie causing the flames to go away along with the panic he was causing the other two. "You can see why my coven and I didn't get along." Kai tells them.

"I smell an ulterior motive." Damon says, holding back a pain groan partly as he stands up straight again.

"If I consume all of Bonnie's magic I'm just gonna end up killing her."  Kai starts moving his way behind Bonnie causing her to flinch, "But, if we work together, we can all go home as friends." he offers to them, but no one uttered a word, "Or I can devour her magic, kill you, and go home myself. What's it gonna be?" Kai says before taking Bonnie's seat at the table, moving to eat the untouched pancakes. 

Clara leave the three seeing no need to put her two sense in, either option, she gets to leave and go back to her baby.


1470 words

Clara's very emotional and mentally blinded by wanting to get out. Kai is still very... well, Kai.

I hope you enjoy this very tense yet revealing chapter.




Lots of Luv~ snowflake

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