Ch 60: meet little me.

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Kyrah's pov
( literally 4 days later )

It was late at night and I was sleep.

All of a sudden my stomach started hurting, which caused me to sit up.

I put my head on my knees and took breaths. the bed wasn't wet so, something is really wrong.

My stomach shouldn't hurt.

This didn't happen with Elijah.

A million thoughts go one by one. Is the baby hurt? Is she ok? Do I need to go to the doctor now?

I feel a hand on my back, "are you ok?" Stephen asked sitting up. I shook my head, breathing like I just ran a marathon.

"Whats wrong?" Stephen asked and hurried up and grabbed his phone. After about 2 minutes of being on it, my phone buzzed, which is under my legs where I can see it.

Sex and the city 🖕🏽✨
S- code red, but her water didn't break

The text message said and I smile but in pain. He isn't freaking out.

The door was bursted opened and the people that walked in was Dante, Mason, Carly, and Ryder.

Did I ever tell y'all about Carly? Mason's girlfriend?

"What the hell do you mean it's a code red but her water didn't break?" Dante asked while they all walked towards me.

"She said she was in pain but her water didn't break. So I don't know." Stephen said standing up and walking in the closet.

"You alright babe?" Carly asked, moving my hair out my face. "What did I tell you about calling her that?" I hear Stephen yell from the closet.

I chuckle then moan in pain. This shit is painful.

Stephen walked back out the closet with a shirt on and he had a pair of socks in his hand. "I'm taking her to the hospital because, it's a chance she could be in labor without her water breaking ." Stephen said and put the socks on my feet.

"Can you stand up?" He asked and I shrug. "Mason go start the car and put the baby bag in there just in case." He demanded and I glare at him.

He sighs, "please?" Mason nods and walked out the room. Carly grabbed my phone and the charger then walked out of the room.

Stephen grabs my slides and puts them on my feet. He walked back in the closet, and came back out with a hoodie.

"Arms up." He said and I put my arms up. He put the hoodie on me and took my bonnet off.

It was a hair tie on the dresser and he grabbed it. He puts my hair in a low ponytail and that's when I was proud of myself for teaching him how to do this shit when I don't feel like it.

Now he can do his daughter's hair when I don't want to.

He picked me up bridal style and walked out the room. I put my head on his shoulder and started crying because of the pain.

This hurts.

I don't think that's good.

"It's alright, you will be fine okay?" He said as if I was a baby.

I nod and took a deep breath.

I'm never getting pregnant again.

"You are never getting me pregnant again. Use fucking protection next time you asshat." I said and started caring harder.

All off a sudden I feel slightly warm and cold air, which calms me down a little bit. "See, i don't know about all that." He said putting me in the car.

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