Ch 35: Today..he dies

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Kyrah's POV.

I woke up with a weight on top of me. I look down to see Stephen's head on my stomach and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

I tap him on the head. "Stephen get up. We have things to do today." He groans. " 5 more minutes mama." Then he goes back to sleep.

I chuckle, "come on amore get up." I say now hitting him on top of his head.

"Stop it. Kyrahhh." He says and holds me tighter. I shrug, "I guess we're not killing Leo today." He shots up out of bed and looks at me.

"Today we're killing him?" He asked with a smirk and I nod.  "HELL YES. I'm picking your outfit today." He says.

"Go for it." He gets out of bed and walks in my closet that's in the bathroom. I lay in bed and just think about whatever.

I can't fucking WAIT to kill him.

Stephen comes back with a outfit in his hand and hand it to me. I look at the outfit in shock.

When the hell did I get this?

"You didn't buy it. I did." He says and walks out the room. I shrug and put the outfit on.

(The outfit, imagine it with black combat boots)

(The outfit, imagine it with black combat boots)

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I put the outfit on and put my rings on. I put my promise ring on my ring finger and put my necklace on.

I swear I love my 6 pack but anyway.

I put my hair in a high ponytail and my combat boots on. I look in the mirror and fix my leather jacket. While looking in the mirror Stephen walks In the room with the same outfit on but without leather.

(His outfit, imagine with a leather Jacket and black combat boots)

(His outfit, imagine with a leather Jacket and black combat boots)

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I look him up and down through the mirror. Then I stop on his left hand and I smirk.

He had his ring on.

He walked towards wrapped his arms around my waist. "You look great mama." Then he lays feather like kisses up my neck and towards the back of my ear. "Can't wait to take this off of you later." He whispers and I freeze.

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