Ch 19: He's gone.

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Stephen's POV

(2 weeks later)

It's been 2 weeks since we been here. There was no more threats after the first one. I'm in the living room on my computer doing these emails.

Everyone else went out to go get more food and I needed to stay to do this work. The door was pushed opened but slowly.


I looked up and put my computer on the table slowly. I grab my gun without making a sound and laid on the floor. And I waited.

"Come on now Stephen I know your here." A male voice says. What the hell?

"Come out come out wherever you are." You see I hate when motherfuckers say that shit like what are we in a horror movie?

Well at this rate you are. Shut the fuck up and give me an idea. I can't think of shit I don't know what to do I'm sorry.

Now that stupid bitch don't wanna think of something when I really need his ass.

I hear him go in the kitchen. The stairs are facing the front door and the kitchen and dining room are on the sides, so if I make a run for it I will get caught.

I hear him walking towards the living room. Shit.

"Ok now you just playing hide and seek with me. just come the fuck out and we will be done with this bullshit." He snapped.

And I thought I had anger issues.

He starts walking around the couch and I crawled the other way around. "It's obvious your in here because you left your computer opened." I can hear the smirk on his face.

I stand up from my hiding spot and point my gun at his head. "Who the fuck are you?" I question with a harsh tone.

"Your worst nightmare." He laughed and what he did next I didn't see it coming. He slapped the gun out my hand and punched me.

This should be light work.

It's now a full on boxing match. I'm on top of him punching him repeatedly but he blocked half of them not all.

He breaks free from under me and now he is on top of me. "Goodnight." That's the last thing I hear before I pass out.


I wake up with a throbbing headache. when I open my eyes it was light right above me and that didn't help with it, so I close my eyes again.

When I feel a little better I open my eyes and got use to the light. I look around and it looks like I'm in a cellar. Why didn't I just go with them?

I look down and see my hands tied to a chair with chains and same as my legs. I move around in the chair and pain shoots up my arms and down my legs.

Must had been moving a lot when I passed out.

I had my head down when I hear the door opened. I look up and see the guy I was fighting.

"What do you want." I say with a monotone. "I want what's mine." He says with a smirk. "Let me introduce myself. I'm Leo, Kyrah's psycho ex." I wanna jump out this chair and kill him.

I glare at him but didn't say nothing back, "you ruined her life by impregnating her and by walking back into her life." He says taking slow steps towards me.

"That baby could've been mine, but no you just had to be at that damn club that night. You just had to take her to your hotel room and couldn't keep your dick in your damn pants.

I would've had a family if she didn't break up with me. But no she didn't take my warning seriously. so now I've came back to ruin yours and hers life."

I didn't say a word I just gave him a deathly look. "Since she left me. I'm gonna take the love of her life away from her."

I wanna slap that smirk off his face.

"Kyrah doesn't love me." I snapped. "You are so fucking stupid. She looks at you the way she used to look at me with fucking love. And you know you love her to." He says crossing his arms staring down at me.

Does she really love me?

"Look at you thinking about it now." He chuckles, "if she really loves you she would come looking for you. Which is gonna be really hard." He says walking away.

"I will deal with you tomorrow." He walks out and closes the door.

Kyrah... I'm believing in you.
Kyrah's POV

We all got back from the market and what we walk into shocks me. i run in the living room and see a note on Stephen's computer.

'Dear Kyrah,
Going to a safe house wasn't going to do anything love. I just wanted to let you know that I have him and that he's gonna die soon. Then I get to be the father of little Elijah.
From Leo<3'

I tears falls from my eyes. "Kyrah what's wrong?" Dante asked from behind me. I turn around to see everyone looking at me in worry.

"He took him."

I sorry I didn't post yesterday but I will post later tonight. #freeStehpen🥲

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