Part 37

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I open a portal, quickly walking in as I hear someone rush inside. I sigh as I hear some fighting in the background. I look around before groaning in frustration. 'Dream I swear this will be your last day if you don't chill!' "Dream! You guys don't have to fight!" I quickly snap my head to the noise to see ink trying to stop them form fighting right by his side. 

"Ink. We can't fight unless will cause even more disruption to the balance." I could hear Error worry more as He was on nightmares side. I was about to enter the fight before getting thrown half way across the void, flying passed where Nightmare and Dream were once fighting. I groan a bit as I glare at what ever threw me. You could see Nightmare, error, and Ink grow angry and whoever threw me, as Dream grew confused. 

"So We finally meet again..." I know that voice. I was shocked at who it was, or who I thought it was. "Oh? Did you forget me already? How dare you forget your own little brother... (Y/N)..." I stare at the person meters away form my face. "Rusher..." I take a step closer as tears threaten to fall. Rusher only grew more hatred towards me, the more I take towards him. Dream was about to intervene but was stopped by Ink. "This is her fight. It's the one that'll fix everything in the balance. There can't be place without there being an opposite of it." 

The four back off and walk away form the fight, as they grew more nervous and worried, or the emotion that displayed on their faces. It toke a second for Rusher to lunge at me, trying to fight me. I take step aside avoiding before throwing a punch at him. He catches it before twisting it making me wince a bit before he kicks my stomach. I growl before kicking him away making him slide a bit away. I look at him not wanting to fight him, only to see his once soft brown eyes but now dark eyes glare at me. The fight was heavy. 

We both were growing tired, as the others grew worried. I once again get thrown on the ground before Rusher drags me a bit on the ground holding me down. "(Y/N)!" I could hear Error cry out along with the others telling me to get up. "You've grown soft. I guess this means it's easier to get rid of you. You had a nice life without me, sis." I simply smile a bit as Rusher summons a sword as It pierces through me making me couch up a bit of blood. 

"Atleast... I'll die knowing it's form the hands of my brother. The one that I adored and give my life to him. May you be in peace baby bro..." I summon my sword with all my strength left before stabbing him in the same exact place. "But i'll be glad for you to join me as we make peace... goodbye crackhead" tears fell from his eyes as he laid down next to me holding his hand. I could hear muffled voices around me. I simply smile one last time and my body goes limp as I hear my brother's last words, "...I love you sis..."

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