Part 1

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It was little 14-year old (Y/N) birthday, she was a happy female even though she was a  Queer kid. But her family didn't care what she was because they loved her along with her 3 brothers, and they loved their parents. She was thinking of what to cook for dinner since her parents were working late again when her brother entered the house. "Hey brother, how was work?" She asked as he started to head to his room. "It was... say the least," he responded with a smile on his face as he faced her. "You should try making mom's famous meatballs. You know the ones with rice and cheese with tomato sauce?" He continued seeing the reflection on her face as he continued to walk to his room to change.

"Oh! that's a good idea, Axel!" She started excitedly as she started getting the supplies to make them. A few minutes later she jumped from the sudden sound of something falling to the ground loudly. She put the stuff down and went to check from where the sound came from, only to find the youngest of the group to be on the ground with a pile of Laundry on top of him. She couldn't help but laugh at the sight in front of her." What are you doing, you little crack head?" She stated as she started to help him up. "Sorry, sis... the laundry fell on me again.."Rusher shyly apologized as he started to put the clothing in the basket. "Food is almost ready, so could you set the table?" She asked politely. "Yeah, let me just do this first then, alright" he responded as (y/n) was quickly walking back to cook again.

Time skip

Axel, Rusher, and (Y/N) were now eating at the table silently enjoying each other's company. When they finished, Rusher picked up the plates and went to grab something in the fridge. When he grabbed the item, he carefully pulled it out and set it on the table. There on the table, a small rectangle cake covered in the sweet smell of vanilla frosting, with some chocolate covered strawberries and edible roses, making their mouths drool. They all were happy just being there, not only that but surprising (y/n) with another treat, strawberry cupcakes covered in chocolate. The memory was still fresh in her brain as a small tear rolled off her face.

She was only 14 when it happened, the call after they cleaned up the mess they made by being the family they are. 'Hello? this the (L/N) family?....we are sorry to inform you, but (m/n) and (f/n) were just in a car crash... we are in ___ hospital and would like you all to come over here... thank you for listening.... Goodbye.." She had dropped to the floor and called over her brother to get ready to go to the hospital. The only thing she remembers since it happened so fast, was the oldest of the siblings being called and them being inside of the car driving, them getting there, going inside a room where both of them were laying down with machines connected to them, their parents waking up only to give them each one thing to remember each other by and to say their last goodbyes, before the heartbreaking beep to go off.

Clay being the oldest didn't say anything from then on about the event that had happened but became protective of the siblings, even more, when the youngest was in trouble. When the police noticed the head of the family was gone, they all got separated from each other. Axel and Clay were the only ones to live together, the rest were going to foster homes. (Y/N) was left alone, not to talk to anyone even when they were forcing her to talk she didn't, she remained silent. It's been two years since that day, going inside different homes. She had recently gotten inside a somewhat nice home, Darryl was a nice man and didn't force her to do anything but clean after herself.

He knew the situation and didn't want her to be uncomfortable inside the house. Even if everything going on was very new to him, after all, he had made the decision of doing this a few weeks ago. She had just woken up from the same dream that happened once a week. Only this time Darryl was awake at the time, and hearing light sobs from the room she was staying at made him feel a slight pain in his heart. He had gotten up from what he was doing and started to walk towards the door." (Y/N) are you alright in there," he softly spoke as he knocked on the door. This made her jump a bit and tried to stop crying.

Darryl, hearing nothing, continued to speak as he opened the door, " I'm opening the door alright." He walked in but seeing the sight before him made his heartbreak even more. She was hugging the giant pillow on her bed while hiding under the one blanket her mother gave her when she was about 6 years old. The blanket was a soft fabric made by the hands of her one and only true mother. If she weren't crying, it would have been a cute site to stumble upon. Darryl being the nice and adorable person he is scooped her up in his arms and hugged her saying little comfortable words making (y/n) calm down and start to get tired once again, Darryl awed silently before getting up and placing her on the bed. He was ready to close it when he heard it making his heart melt from the words that finally came out of her mouth. "" and with that, he closed the door with a smile on his face ready to make pancakes for the both of them.

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