Part 18

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Waking up with a jolt looking around seeing yourself in someone's bed and being covered in blankets before getting up. "Finn? Tell what happened while I was away" You take another look around as Finn spoke to you, "Nothing really. You were gone for about 2 weeks I believe. During that time, The others and You following behind got out of the underground. You met a lot of monsters as you went. Gaster can fill you in with that. You're currently sharing rooms with Axel and Sans. Sans is waiting for your aerial." You nod before spotting a door, "If I interact with a Monster take control unless it's Axel, Chara, Papyrus or Sans. Until I formally meet them" 

Finn just hummed as you left the room before going to where you believe the kitchen is to get a glass of water. "You look like you are a bit busy" You flinch a bit before turning to look at Sans before relaxing a bit, feeling guilty for leaving again. "Your back huh?" You gave him a nod in return. "You okay? You look a bit different." You look at yourself a bit before just shaking your head. "That bad huh?" You didn't respond not wanting to relive the memory, as you looked for a cup to fill up with water. 

"Wanna talk about it?" Sans just stared at you with a bit of sympathy, as you shook. Hiccups erupt from you as you try to keep quiet. You just slump down to the kitchen floor before crying into your knees. Sans just sighs before sitting down next to you, pulling you into a hug on the ground. You cried into him for a couple of minutes before stopping completely, making you pull away from Sans. 

"Sorry. Won't happen again." You just look away down to the ground as Sans just shakes his head. "What happened back there?". "Death and betrayal happened. A friend of mine got possessed and now his brother has to fight what's left of him. And to top it of I'm not even sure if I wanna tell Axel or Chara about it.." Sans seemed taken back but sighs before rubbing your back. "You'll get through it. Tough times only get through tough people. Your choice will always be your choice. You just gotta make the right one." you smile at him before nodding "I wanna tell them". 

"Alright, Just make sure to mustard all that courage inside yourself. I'll make sure to ketchup you on everything" You stifle a giggle from coming out of you. "What? Can't handle a pretty punny pun" Sans just smiled at you before making more puns right in your way trying to make you laugh. "I HEARD A PUN!" Papyrus just walks in on you and Sans sitting on the ground before scolding him, making you giggle. 

Sans just seemed to keep making you laugh as he kept making puns making you burst into laughter. Axel and Chara come down hearing your laugh before giggling a bit seeing Sans and Papyrus little scenario. "Anyways the kiddo wants to tell you all something" You stand there nervously scratching your neck as Sans just stands next to you awkwardly. "You might need to take a seat for this, it might take awhile." They all look at each other before sitting down as you take a deep breath.


"And there it is.. The truth of my actions." Chara just stared at the ground, staying quiet. Papyrus was thinking of a way to lighten up the mood, saying he'll go make spaghetti for me since I haven't tried it yet. Axel just looked a bit bored before getting up. "Is that all?" You grew a bit quiet before nodding slightly scared. "Then show us your soul. You never fought in the battle field because of it." You turn to glance at Sans before just shaking your head, clearly not wanting to. 

"(Y/N), let me see your soul" You shake your head again, this time more scared than before. Sans was watching the whole thing go down between the two of you. "(Y/N), I won't ask again." You quickly shake your head before running off away from him. "(Y/N). Come Back here Right Now!" You hear the faded angry screaming as you run towards the more wooden area to hide away for a bit. I find a small opening through some vines before checking through them. Axel's screams become louder from the distance making you go through the vines scared to be found through his sudden rage. 

"(Y/N) Come back please!" You whimper slightly before away from the vines and more into the cave before walking towards it. Turning a corner looking up from the ground before your eyes glowed in excitement from the sight you have discovered. Rays of all covers from the one source of light above you. "Sunlight.." A smile appeared on your face before going deeper into the underground landscape. 

The growth of flowers and one ancient looking swap tree. A pool of crystal clear water where fish could be seen. It seemed the sight was untouched by human and monster kind itself, making you smile even more. You walk towards the tree before sitting behind it so if someone came in they wouldn't see you immediately before riesling you had a hoodie on before pulling the hood up above you. You smile seeing some animals grow curios of yourself before extending your hand out to them. 

A small baby deer came closer before sniffing your hand before returning back to the other deer who observed you. Then came and did the same thing but this time it stayed nearby but still kept some distance. Then a bird came and landed on your shoulder examining you, before settling down and taking a small nap. 

Other animals drew more closer to you but kept a small distance form you as other just stood on your head or anywhere they could lay down and sleep for a bit. You grew tired and started to close your eyes a bit. A nap couldn't hurt you to much. You snuggled closer to yourself, you felt animals get more comfortable around you and lay next to you. A smile on your face before feeling yourself fade to the world of the void where Finn and Gaster laid watching your every step of your journey. 

"Toke you a while to come back here." you laughed a bit nervous. "Anyways, I take part of informing you since you left Finn in charge and the details including." You nod as you sit down and listen to Gaster as he spoke. Sometimes smiling a bit before continuing to explain. "There. Your all caught up. Now you have some time before you need to waking up." You nod before looking around, spotting the same small speck of color again. "Go. I think having another person near him would help." You smile a bit before nodding and heading towards him, as Gaster said. 

You hear mumbling as grew closer to them, "No.. that won't work.. " you hear him go back to whispering to himself before stopping hearing your footsteps grow closer, before stopping a few feet away from him. "Who?.. How?.." he seemed to look at you before throwing an attack at you. Blue and white bones. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" He gets up quickly flashing his eyes violently and menacingly making you gulp down. "(Y/N), I'm here because Finn and Gaster brought me here for the night." He groaned before sitting down before making the attack go away. "Old man trying to make more experiments.." 

You just sit down a few feet away before laying down. "You seem like you're tired of being here. Tired like everything your done is just failure.." You stared at the ceiling of the void as He just looked at you. "I am.." You glance at him before smiling a bit at him, "I know that feeling.." You turn away from him. You both talked for a bit, learning a bit of what his backstory was before everything. 

You hear Finn appear, making you look at her. "It's time for you to wake up." You nod before looking at geno sadly. "I have to leave, I'm sorry. But I promise to be back" He smiles a bit before nodding. "I'll be waiting for you next to Finn and Gaster this time." Making you smile this time, pulling him into a hug as everything fades back to where you last slept. But only this time two pairs of eyelights were watching you..

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