Part 22

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Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, into years. Your now 22. Ink has left you alone for at least 1 year today. Your birthday. Another reason why stopped celebrating it with anyone. Error seemed angry whenever you brought up Inks name, ONly saying that he was a traitor and a faker. Today was your birthday again, Error gave you a day off every time it's your birthday. You just wrap yourself with a blanket remembering the happy memories with ink and Error. You've felt nothing since ink left on you birthday. You remember watching undernoval with Error, teaching him how to crochet and cook. You remember making a mess with ink with the other Au's meeting other Sanses and monsters. You remembered them teaching how to be friends with everyone. Horror being one of them despite Ink and Error saying not to. You Remember horror being a total sweetheart as you give him your food so he wouldn't starve any longer. You decided to give them a lot of food that day as they all were starving. You remembered ink and Error being there for your panic attacks at random times. You felt empty now.

A knock came to your door. "Kiddo, You want some cupcakes?" You just stay silent knowing Error would just leave it with the rest of the unwanted food. Error seemed to take the role of a father teaching his kid everything in life. Error just walks in before placing the food in front of you "Kiddo. You gotta eat." "I'm not hungry" You shuffle back into the comfort of blankets ''Will you eat if I tell you my past? Or anything about the multiverse." You think about it before popping your head out of the blanket before nodding. You never knew his past or anything other than there were many versions of AU's with different plotlines. Error sighs before creating a hammock and going to knitting, a habit of his ever since you've known him. "Well.. My past isn't the nicest but the story of multiverse surrounds it.. let's start from the very beginning."

Long ago, centuries before anyone was created. The gods of this world ruled many multiverses. But one god, Fate, Created what we now know as our multiverse. Fate created the first ever universe, Undertale. Fate was proud of it but grew tired of just planning the storyline and Universe. Fate, having an idea, created Ink to help her create and protect her creations. Ink only created making the universe overflow with creation. Fate cried knowing the Multiverse was in danger. Ink not hearing her cries just kept creating. Destiny, another god and the sister of Fate, felt pity. Fate pleaded with her sister to help her. Destiny agreed, sending Error a dear child to help destroy and balance out the multiverse. Error was soft spoken and disliked destroying the creations but obliged returning to his own universe. Fate disliked his universe and destroyed it, making Error grow in her own strings to keep the multiverse from coplasing. Fate grew loving towards Ink as if he was his own child, as Error grew hated and blamed him for the multiverse almost being destroyed. Error just grew with the hatred learning the world wasn't fair and could attack innocent creatures. Error grew cold over time. Destiny grew distant with Fate as a sudden rage filled her. Fate was too busy loving ink, giving him false hope saying that he should be a hero to the twisted tale she created. Ink and Error were enemies and fought and fought, creating Errors appearance more distraught and villain like. His once untouchable jacket was torn from the fights making him reappear the damage from sewing it back together. His once soft black bones grew scars and was now tainted with blood. Error was casted to the voids of ink's shadow making him the villain, as Ink was showered as the hero of the tale. After years and years of fighting there came a truce for the two. No destruction, No creation.

"So during that time you both meet me.." Error nods. "The truce could come again if Ink stops creating again. But Ink couldn't contain leading to the truce to be broken on your birthday." You look down to the ground to a now empty plate. You tried to feel something reaching down to the depth of your soul, but nothing. Gaster and Finn have been quiet today aswell. Your dreams have been filled with them teaching you about the world you came from and the secrets it holds. The book hasn't been touched since you came here since you were busy most of the time. "Alright Ink won't stop creating today of all day's... "You heard him groan. "Please come back here when you're done." You whisper as you watch him leave. BUt he never came back...

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