24 | Love is a Dagger

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24 | Love is a Dagger


Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown

He had met the verge of death many times in his long life.

And for the life of an elf, it was surprisingly more than any could encounter let alone a half-elven being like him. One who had chosen to stay in the lands that continued to age and wither in darkness, but also the one to try and give the light and prosperity it needed.

They were in the wilderness when he felt his fëa leaving Arda.

During his time with the Fëanorians, when his brother was still elven with manly tendencies and Elemmírë was still incredibly stubborn and mourning in anger and pain for the loss of her people and when Maedhros still showed hardly any emotions other than blunt anger and grumpiness. When his foster father still felt guilt-ridden for their situation. Elrond was injured tremendously. After that, an illness overtook him that not even the elven healers knew what to do because all they were trained were to tend to elves – not half-elven children.

He was perhaps a few years older when they captured them from the Havens, already living in Ossiriand. They were desperate to find some Edain group to come and help him, knowing that they were the only ones who would know the other part of his heritage.

Elrond only knew when he got better that Maglor himself searched the entire northern lands for any remaining Edain moving east and south from the war, days of non-stop searching until he returned exhausted and dragging a healer to their part of the village for him to be tended.

He knew Elros was constantly at his side, with Elemmírë sitting beside him as she told stories of Gondolin and Vinyamar. But whilst she took his twin to make sure he got his own proper rest and health, Maglor never left him.

Days and nights: Elrond felt his presence, even with his eyes shut and his consciousness going in and out. He would listen to him about what Elros and Elemmírë had done today, even talking about how Maedhros came around to sit by his side whilst Maglor would tend to his duties. One day, he even heard him sing to him, a powerful song that went straight into his bones and felt himself want to wake.

Maybe it was that that broke his fever, that finally made him wake up to find those blue-grey eyes that glowed under the trees. His foster-father was so relieved, tears upon his face as he cradled his frail form and blessed the Valar that they spared him.

Elemmírë and Elros were relieved and were the next ones to visit him. He hugged his brother, teasing that Elemmírë and Maedhros hadn't taught him too many tricks whilst he was ill. After that, Elemmírë smiled widely at her, a face as radiant as the sun rising upon the eastern skies as she brushed a hand on his face.

Even as a young child, he wasn't sure then what made her stand out in a thousand souls. Of her bright ocean eyes, her face glowing with happiness to when she laughed it felt like it was listening to a song of days spent running across flower fields or running barefoot over the beaches in Lindon.

As he grew older, maturing, his concept of meeting death was slowly becoming true the moment those around him who loved him began to leave him.

The death of Maedhros had caused his heart to wane no more than that of Elemmírë.

And after that: his brother's end soon came.

Death was all around him, his heart and soul which had come to connect to much more of those around him causing it to feel even more impactful at how much it was.

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