Chapter 6

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Ida's POV-

Downstairs, I could hear people starting to arrive for the party-their voices becoming louder and livelier as more got here . I was upstairs, finishing up getting ready, but Loki was still propped up against the headboard reading his book.

"Are you not coming down to the party?" I asked him, inserting a hoop into my earlobe.


"Why not?" I tilted my head. "I thought you liked parties"

"I do not enjoy them, no" he glanced up at me. "I like small get togethers with my friends, but that is about it"

"So you are not even going to come down for a little bit?" I asked.

"Probably not" he looked back down at the pages.

"I would like to be able to be introduced as 'Ida and her husband, Loki' than simply 'this is my daughter, Ida'"

"First of all, your father is going to introduce you as Eleanor. Second of all, you know he is going to pretend like I am not even there, and do not dare say he would not"

"I think you should participate, even if it is just for a short amount time" I stuck up my nose.

"I will consider it. You go have fun, though"

"Do you not want me to go down? You are acting passive..."

He met my eyes. "Yes, I want you to go down. Go have fun, enjoy yourself. I will be here waiting for you when you get back"

"So passive" I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I am going downstairs. I will see you later, I guess"


Ugh. Men. They say women beat around the bush, but really they should look at themselves in the mirror.

I tucked my blonde hair behind my ear and exited the room. As I neared the stairs, the voices were growing progressively louder-a mixture of conversing and drunken laughter.

Carefully, I descended the spiral staircases, the guests who had already arrived coming into view. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmingly underdressed. While all the women were in cocktail dresses, I was wearing a simple skirt and a brown button up. For a guest of honor, I most certainly felt a little outcasted.

"Ayye!" Natasha waved me over to the bar. "Come get a margarita!"

Smiling, I jogged up to the bar, squishing myself between two other women who were there.

"Should we go for strawberry, or a classic lime?" she asked me. "Or are we feeling a little more adventurous and want to try blue raspberry?"

"Blue raspberry" I grinned.

"Frozen, or on the rocks?"

"Can I have it on the rocks with sugar instead of salt on the rim?" I requested.

"Coming right up" she turned around and began to mix the drink.

"Ladies" Tony was suddenly slipping between me and one of the women. "I would like to introduce my daughter, Eleanor, to you"

"Nice to meet you" I greeted.

Both of the women looked a little stuck up, but I was confident in myself, aside from my outfit, of course. They each gave me a single nod.

"She comes from Asgard, you know" he went on, reaching over the counter and taking my margarita right from Natasha's hands.

"Bullshit" one of the ladies mumbled.

"No, not bullshit" he took a single sip, then handed the huge glass to me.

"Have you seen Clint yet?" Natasha asked, standing on her tiptoes and looking around.

Invisible Chains [Sequel to I Do(n't)]Where stories live. Discover now