Chapter 6

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  My new apartment was mostly empty. It was a tiny apartment with a bedroom, bathroom, small living room and kitchen. Perfect for one person. Fortunately it already had some furniture even if it was the bare minimum. There was a small bed, nightstand, wardrobe, a couch and table in the living room. I began to unpack  my backpack that had my clothes and other belongings. I took out my clothes and sorted them into the wardrobe, I then took out the three pictures I had kept with me at all times. the first one was a picture of my real family and the second was a picture of Itachi, Shisui and I from right after the chunin exams. The final picture was of my 'new' family, Shizune Tsunade and I. I set all both on my nightstand and then took out what little food I had in there and put it in the kitchen. Wow, I really don't own much haha. I guess I'll have to go shopping tomorrow after I visit the Hokage tower. I thought as I gradually fell asleep in my new home.

  The next morning I got dressed and ready before heading of to see Tsunade. Once I arrived she began to talk about how the third Hokage had me listed as dead in action so I should have no problems adjusting to life here as no one thought of me as a rogue ninja. She said after discussing things with the council I would still need to be under supervision for the next little while until they could be sure I wasn't an enemy. I already knew that would be the case but what I didn't expect was when she told me I would be helping lead a genin team. "Tsunade I'm not a teacher." I told her flat out because it was true, I had Zero experience with kids. "Well It's not up to you anymore, You're being assigned to Co-lead team 7 and that's final. From what the leader of team 7 has told me they should be meeting at training field 3 this afternoon at 5 pm. Dismissed" She said and with that I left. 

  I was kind of upset about having to deal with a bunch of snot nose little kids but shopping will make things better right? I headed down the streets of Konoha looking for a shop that sells female clothes. The one's I'd been wearing wouldn't quiet match konoha's aesthetic. (The first picture at the top is her old outfit that she'd travel in) I looked around and found some plain black shorts and a plain black t-shirt. I grabbed a couple pairs of those and looked around some more until I found the cutest little red dress to wear overtop. It was perfect! It even had the high collar which is an iconic Uchiha staple. I would need to embroider our clan symbol on the back but I could do that later. I grabbed the dress along with some classic shinobi boots and headed to the register. I payed for my things and headed to the next shop.

 While on the way their a tell silver haired ninja stopped me in my tracks. "Why hello there, How may I help you today?" I asked politely. "Well it seems Lady Tsunade is worried about you adjusting to the village so she asked me to show you around." He said plainly. "Oh I see, Sorry about that, she tends to worry over nothing sometimes" I laughed. "Does she or it is just you she worries about?" He asked smartly "Well now I do think I need your help finding the shinobi equipment store, I seem to be lost" I said changing the topic. "Alrighty then follow me" He said and began walking next to me. It turns out the man's name was kakashi, I think he use to be on Itachi's old anbu team so I at least knew a little about him.

 We visited the Shinobi store where he helped me pick out some new kuhni and storage scrolls, I also found these cute little ankle weights, They were about the size of a regular anklet and the weight was adjustable!! They were very cute so of course I had to get them. After that we went to the supermarket so I could by some groceries because as I said my house was empty. Finally after that we went to a bakery because let's be honest it'd been a long week and I needed some sweets. I only noticed how much I had bought when I couldn't carry it myself. Lucky me Kakashi helped me carry my things back to my apartment and being the kind person I am I invited him inside. As we came inside Kakashi carried my things to the kitchen and I started putting them away, by now it was around 5 o'clock and I hadn't paid any attention in the slightest. When I finally did look at the clock I was already 30 minutes late!!! "Oh my gosh! Kakashi I'm so sorry but I really have to go, See i'm supposed to meet my new team today and I'm already late, Thanks for showing me around!" I said and poofed out of there. 

When I finally found training ground 3 I was shocked to say the least to see Sasuke, Naruto and that one annoying pinkette who's name I couldn't remember standing there. "Mizuki-Sensei!" Naruto shouted! "Oh um hey Naruto-kun, Are you guys team 7?" I asked "Yes we are! But we're still waiting on Bakashi to show up hmp! He's always late" Wait so Kakashi is the person I'm working with? Now I get why Tsunade had him show me around earlier. "Naruto, How do you know my sister already? You seemed to know her yesterday too." Sasuke asked, I probably should've told him Naruto was the one who came with Jiraiya to get Tsunade and I. "Because I'm the one who brought her home Duck-ass, So now you can stop acting all cool and Emo all the time dattebayo!" Naruto taunted back. Sasuke looked to me for confirmation but was surprised to see me on my ass laughing. "D-DUCK-ASS, wait wait wait EMO?!?!" I was dying, I mean that was pretty funny but Sasuke's expression was what made it even better I was laughing so hard I didn't even notice when Kakashi showed up.

 "What did I miss that was so funny Mizuki-san?" Kakashi asked with a bored expression. "Oh my god, Naruto and duck-ass! You should've seen his expression it was the best!" I said trying not to laugh at the thought of it. "Well it seems you already know Sasuke and Naruto fairly well, How about Sakura? Have you talked to her yet?" He asked, I assume he was assessing my compatibility with my new teammates "Oh so her name's Sakura? I forgot sorry" I said flatly and Sakura was pissed. I could see Sasuke out of the corner of my eye doing everything in his power to keep a straight face meanwhile Naruto was just laughing with no restraint. "Well now that you know everyone I think it's only fair to show them what you can do am I right?" Kakashi said nodding to the training grounds. "Ok then Bakashi but if I beat you in a spar you owe me dinner!" I said acting cocky.

 We both started on either ends of the grounds and the signal to go was when Sasuke clapped. At the sound of his hands we were off, I started off throwing a few kunai that he dogged with ease, When he landed I punched the ground with all my might and tore open the earth beneath him, Tsunade's training had really paid off. He was caught off guard by my attack and that gave me an opening, I rushed in with my Taijutsu and activated my sharingan. Kakashi then revealed his as well. Our battle went on for quite some time and by the time is was over training ground three was destroyed. It ended in a draw when we both passed out due to chakra exhaustion. I woke up a few minutes later to see the kids all huddled around us and Sasuke shouting at them to give us some space, I sat up to see kakashi to my left and the kids to my right. "Sooo since I woke up first does that mean I win?" I asked in a strained voice "Nope, not even close" Sasuke said bluntly. "Dammit" I cursed.

 A few minutes later and Kakashi woke up, We decided it was a draw and no one owed the other dinner. I was hungry though so I decided I was gonna go find somewhere to eat and of course Naruto and Sasuke wanted to tag along and since Sasuke was coming Sakura had to come as well, All the was left was Kakashi. "Well if you all are coming how about you Kakashi?" I asked looking back at him. "I don't see why not" He said and walked with us to a Barbeque shop Naruto said had good food. Eating dinner with team 7 was fun, It reminded me of the times when it was just me Tsunade and Shizune. Speaking of Shizune I haven't heard much from her since I told her everything, Maybe she was just caught off guard...I'm sure she'll come around... "Mizuki-sensei is everything alright?" Naruto asked loudly. "Yes Naruto-kun, I was just thinking about my friend!" I said plastering a big smile onto my face so they wouldn't think anything of it. Kakashi gave me a funny look but I brushed it off and we ate without any other interruptions.

 After dinner I walked Sasuke and Naruto home and surprisingly Kakashi came along as well. After dropping off Sasuke I was getting ready to say goodbye to Kakashi and head home when he started speaking "So Mizuki-san I was wondering if you'd like to go drinking with me and some of my friends tomorrow night, It can't hurt to meet some of the people you may be working with in the future can it?" He asked. "Well I guess I don't have anything planned so why not!" I said happily, He walked me back to my house and we said our goodbyes.

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