Chapter 2

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A/N: In this chapter the MC does drink at the age of 16 but in the narutoverse and for the sake of plot let's say that to legally drink you just have to be a chunin :)

   My travels began after the Uchiha massacre, I was around 15 at that time. It's been a year since then. Exactly one year since I left the leaf and abandoned Sasuke. "I need a drink" I sighed.  I was currently traveling through the land of wind, I had been chasing after Itachi but I was getting really tired, By the time I would get to the location I tracked him down to he was already on to the next. I hadn't seen him once in the whole year I had been searching for him. Not to mention the cruel jokes he would leave behind. He made sure to always leave something to remind me of home. Like a pair of goggles or a headband of one of my dead comrades. I made my way to a small bar that was in the village I was staying at. It was a cute little village with lots of shops and cafes. I was planning on staying for a while to rest up before getting back on the road. I walked up to the bar and took the only available seat next to a young, busty, blonde woman.

  As I sit there drinking I noticed two older men walk up to the lady sitting next to me, I overheard their conversation only to discover she owed them some money. Ok a lot of money. "How about we make a bet and if me and uh- This fine lady here win then I don't have to pay off my debts and if you win I do plus extra, Sound good?" She said and grabbed my arm while not breaking eye contact with the men. "Ok  fine but if you lose we're doubling what you owe us, Meet us in the backroom in 1 hour" One of them spoke up. They left leaving me and this crazy lady. I decided to be nice because chances are she was drunk and just mistook me for someone else. "Um Miss, I'm not a gambler and I don't think I'll be able to help you..." I said inching away from this strange lady. The lady turned over to me "Oh come onnn, It'll be fun! Look if we win then I'll treat you to dinner, How does that sound?" The lady said laughing. It was almost like she was laughing at her own words, as if she didn't care whether we won or lost. It took me a minute but I made up my mind, I had time to kill so why not mess around a bit it couldn't hurt could it? "Ok fine." I said.

  We sat there for a little while longer trying to finish our drinks when another woman walked in. She had short, brown hair and came up to us in a scramble. "Lady Tsunade! I've been looking for you everywhere!" She stammered, cleary out of breath. Tsunade...I felt like I recognized that name...."We'll whatever it is you'll have to wait because this young lady and I are about to play a little card game with the fine gentlemen waiting for us in the back." Tsunade said. The brunette's face instantly dropped as she noticed me for the first time, "You are going to gamble with Tsunade? Are you insane?!?!" She said seeming genuinely shocked. "Well yeah I mean why not I've never gambled before so why not now?" I said not really understanding the severity of what I was now dragged into.  "Because Lady Tsunade is a horrible gambler. She never wins." The lady sighed out the last part, I still heard her. "Never?" I asked "Never" She sighed and hung her head low. She looked ashamed. Well shit, that left me with two options, Gamble with this lady and probably lose or ditch her.....

  After leaving the room with an overly excited and overly drunk Tsunade, Myself being not to far behind her. She took me out to dinner as promised, Shizune the brunette from earlier seemed to be in disbelief. Once we settled into the restaurant that Tsunade had picked for us she began spilling to me how she really never wins and that I must be some sort of good luck sign. I tuned her out for a while until something she said made Shizune's face go white. "-but yeah so would you like to become my new apprentice?" Tsunade said and was acting as if that was the most gracious offer in the world. Shizune was glaring holes into my head like she would kill me no matter how I answered. "Aha...I..I Actually am on a journey of my own you see...I don't think I would be a good apprentice when I don't even really know who you are...." I said sheepishly. Instantly her face flipped and I was no longer talking to a drunk woman, "Tsunade, You may call me Lady Tsunade. Now look it's clear to me you have some secrets, hell I haven't even gotten your name but I can respects that I won't ask you to give me your life story or even where you're from. All I ask is that you join me and Remain loyal to me until our travels are over." It was really strange how fast she could change her tone to fit a scenario. "Also considered that I am a highly skilled medical nin and am sometimes referred to being the most powerful kunoichi I think this is a pretty good deal on your end." She said bragging a bit at the end. But now I knew who she was. I was talking to one of the Legendary Sannin.

  "I'm very flattered by your offer Tsu-, Lady Tsunade. However I will need time to consider this because as I stated previously I am on a journey of my own and to put that on hold would be a big deal." I said truthfully. Though I may not be able to complete my goal of bringing Itachi home, I'm not even strong enough to fight him in the state I am now. I may have been anbu before but to Itachi that's easy. I'm weak compared to him. Maybe training with Tsunade is what I need. I can become stronger and finally face him. But then what about Sasuke. He's waiting for me alone back in the village, If I go with Tsunade I will have to be away for even longer... "Alright then I will give you tonight to think on it as me and Shizune are leaving for the next town in the morning, If you decide to join us meet me at the village gate tomorrow before sunrise, Otherwise stay in bed and I'll know" She said and then paid for our food and left. 

  "I can't believe I'm doing this" I sighed as I stretched my limbs, "Why the hell did she want to meet so fucking early" I yawned.  I packed up my few things and checked out of the hotel I had been staying in. A few minutes later and I had finally reached the gate where I saw Tsunade, Shizune and an adorable little..Pig? I jumped down in front of them making my presents known. "Oh so I see the mysterious stranger has opted to join us! How great!" Tsunade said with a smile. I smiled back awkwardly not knowing what to say, I knew quite a bit about Tsunade but she knew nothing about me. I also didn't know what I could tell her, Was she still loyal to Konoha? If so I can't tell her I'm technically a missing nin or that I'm looking for Itachi Uchiha, Hell if she knows about the massacre I can't even tell her my last name! "So now pretty lady where are we going to next?" For now I will just have to stick to regular conversation and pray she doesn't ask me anything.

  "So, Tell me something stranger." Tsunade turned to me as we walked. Just my luck. "Ok sure what is it?" I said trying not to show that I was terrified of what she might say next. "What's your name? I've invited you to join my travels and don't even know your name" She chuckle. "O- Oh uh My name is...Mizuki....Just Mizuki..." I said deciding that giving her my last name might be a bad Idea. "Hm, Beautiful moon aye? Well Mizuki I hope that last name of yours doesn't give us any trouble" She laughed. "Wait wait wait, What about my last name?" I asked, If she already knows this could be bad. "Well you didn't give one which is a common courtesy so either your hiding something or your last name will get you in trouble with certain people." She said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. I bit my tongue, I wasn't ready for her to know that. She seemed to take that as confirmation and we continued the rest of the way in silence. 

   After that I began to study under Tsunade. I told her I had already been trained to be a top Kouichi and that I could handle more advance training. After that she didn't hold back. She trained me, An ex Anbu, until I dropped. And when I was too tired to train she taught me the basics of Medical ninjutsu. Nothing crazy but just enough to where if it was necessary I might be able to heal some wounds and minor injuries. It was an interesting life for sure but it was nice. This was probably the first time in a year I'd felt happy, truly happy. I still missed my brothers but on one hand I knew I was still to weak to bring home Itachi and I was too ashamed to return to Konoha. So I was stuck and Tsunade happened to be the perfect way out.

  Tsunade, Shizune and Ton Ton (The pig's name which I later learned) became my new family. We traveled all around the land of wind and fire gambling and training. Tsunade always had to bribe me to gamble with her from time to time to relieve her debt because as it turned out I was either an amazing gambler or just stupid lucky, Either way I don't think she cared much as long as she got rid of her debt. Shizune and I quickly became good friends and if I wasn't training or studying with Tsunade me and her would spend lots of time together. Shizune was a nice woman who was very kind and civil. I found it quite funny how she became Tsunade's apprentice because the two are almost nothing alike. While yes, Tsunade could be kind and civil most of the time she was rambunkshus and impulsive, Never one to bite her tongue. If Tsunade had a problem with you she said so. She was a very straightforward person and to be honest that's probably why we got along so well. My time traveling with Shizune and Tsunade were some of the best times of my life. I truly think of them as family 

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