Chapter 4

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  We were sitting at a bar in some little town we planned to stay in for the next couple weeks. Shizune was yelling at Tsunade for drinking to much or something when two interesting looking people caught my eye. An older man with fluffy white hair and a young boy with sparky yellow hair. I nearly jumped when the old man yelled at us "TSUNADE!"..."JIRAIYA!" They yelled at each other. Wait a damn minute.....Jiraiya? AS IN JIRAIYA THE SANIN?!?! I gaped alongside Tsunade as the two joined our table.

  After minutes of silence Jiraiya was the first to break the silence  "Tsunade, the village has commanded that you become the 5th Hokage" When I tell you my Jaw dropped, As I looked around I could see Shizune and even the boy that was traveling with Jiraiya  were in pure shock by this. After a few minutes the Young boy who we had learned was the 9 tailed fox jinchuuriki Naruto, Launched himself at Lady Tsunade. Luckily Jiraiya stopped him but it seemed that he had peaked Tsunade's interests. After Tsunade fought Naruto she proposed to him a deal, If he learned the Rasengan in 1 week she would give him her necklace and return to konoha with them. At this point I wasn't even surprised. Naruto accepted the challenge.

 Poor kid there's no way he could master the Rasengan in only a week, What is Tsunade thinking on this one. I thought as I walked alongside Naruto, Jiraiya and Shizune. We came across a area which was completely destroyed, I knew instantly it had to have been Tsunade. "Huh...Princess Tsunade tore it up big time." Jiraiya said "Where did Grandma Tsunade go?" Naruto asked surveying the damage. Shizune found her cloak and we were eventually able to chase her down. From the looks of things she was fighting a grey haired boy and I could see Orochimaru watching them from a distance.

 "Mizuki, I think it best if you don't join this fight." Jiraiya said looking back at me. "Why not? I'm a very capable fighter you know? Even Tsunad-" "Yes I know you are a great fighter but right now I don't think you should show off what you know in front of Orochimaru." I was about to argue back when I meet Jiraiya gaze, He was giving me a strict and knowing look. How could I have forgotten. I'm and Uchiha from the hidden leaf, A rogue ninja. Of course Jiraiya knew who I was. Why hasn't he said anything to Tsunade? Or maybe he has and they are just trying to lure me back to the leaf. My thoughts were interrupted and I realized I was alone and the others had already joined the battle alongside Tsunade. I got close enough to watch their battle but not enough to her what they said.

  I watched as Naruto actually managed to use the Rasengan to protect Tsunade and as the legendary sannin used their summons in battle. Watching three legendary sannin fight was a once in a lifetime opportunity that I was not gonna miss watching. I felt kind of guilty not being able to help but once the battle was over I could see I wasn't needed, It might've caused even more problems if I had. From what I'd heard, right now there is no record of my existence anywhere outside the leaf. As it stands now I am supposed to be dead with the rest of my clan. The only people that know are the Hokage and probably some other high ranking ninja, Including Jiraiya. But now I have to make a decision, Tell Tsunade everything or wait and let her find out from either Jiraiya or the council when she becomes Hokage. I decided to talk to Jiraiya first.  That night Tsunade had told us we'd be packing up to leave for the hidden leaf. While she went out with Shizune I went and found Jiraiya. 

  Upon walking in I found Naruto asleep and Jiraiya writing in some book. "Ah so finally comes the lost Uchiha!" Jiraiya said with a small laugh "So you do know who I am then, Look if you know who I am then you know I most certainly can not go back to the leaf village." I said with a straight face. As much as I would love to see sasuke I can't, I don't have anything to show for being gone all these years. Not to mention he probably hates me. "But you do, as much as you may think otherwise Sasuke doesn't hate you" My head snapped up to meet his eyes, it was as if he took the thoughts from my mind "How would you know that." I asked coldly. "Well let's just say I have a feeling he's been waiting for you to come home" He said. Maybe he's right, It's been  five years since I left. I must be a terrible person, I mean who in their right mind would leave their 8 year old brother for five years to chase some crazed killer.  "Ok but how am I going to break the news to Tsunade. What is she doesn't allow me to return? or worse what if she takes me in as a rogue ninja, a traitor even?" I asked. "Well I guess there's only one way to find out." He said and got up from his chair. "Wait right now!?!" I asked as I got up to follow him. "Right now" He laughed as we continued on our way. 

 We found Tsunade drinking at a bar and Shizune next to her. "Lady Tsunade" I called. This grabbed her attention because in the 4 years I'd been traveling with her I'd only called her Lady Tsunade for  important reasons, I thought it was to much hassle to call her that otherwise. She was angry at first but she grew use to me just calling her Tsunade after a while. She whipped around to face us and when she saw I was with Jiraiya she requested we go somewhere more private. We took up a table in the back of the bar away from any prying ears as we talked. "So then Mizuki is this finally the day. Are you going to tell us everything you've kept to yourself all this time?" She asked now with a serious expression, Shizune seemed to be keeping quiet for the most part. "Yes. I guess we should start with introductions.

  My name is Mizuki Uchiha, Twin sister of Itachi Uchiha and older sister to Sasuke Uchiha." I said bluntly. Their eyes widened considerably. "So Mizuki Uchiha why did you leave the hidden leaf then. What cause you to become a rogue ninja?" Tsunade asked, hearing her call me a rogue ninja hurt but I continued. "My twin brother Itachi massacred my clan. I believe that he didn't do it out of choice, so I left the hidden leaf village to track down Itachi and bring him home. I was unsuccessful. After a year of going after Itachi I never once saw him. I then meet you lady Tsunade and began my journey with you to become stronger in hopes of eventually being good enough to find Itachi. That is my story." I finished. 

The table was quiet. Shizune has a perplexed look on her face as if she wanted to say something but kept it to herself and Tsunade still seemed to be processing this information. She turned to Jiraiya "How is she not in any bingo books? Why don't I know of a missing Uchiha?" She asked and rightfully so. "Well I believe the 3rd Hokage had listed her as dead, Actually her being alive is considered an S-class secret only known to the hokage and a few high ranking Ninja including myself." He said as Tsunade processed this it seems Shizune finally decided to speak up. "If she's a rogue Ninja shouldn't it be our responsibility as ninja to take her back for interrogation? I mean think about it she could be on Itachi's side and just tr-" "That's enough Shizune!" Tsunade barked. "Mizuki, I have decided. You have been nothing but loyal to me since you began training under me. I believe that you have a good heart and were only doing what you thought right. Under those circumstances I will bring you back to the leaf village and reinstate you as a jounin." Tsunade ended. I was shocked, Shizune was shocked and even Jiraiya was slightly surprised. "I-, Tsunade-....Thank you, From the bottom of my heart I swear I will be loyal to you for the rest of my days. You have done more for me than I can repay in this lifetime." I said, I was on the verge of tears but I would not cry, I'll save my tears for something more important.  

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