Chapter 3

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A/N: This is what Mizuki has worn since leaving the leaf village, This will change but this is her outfit for now :)

  By now I was 15 and had been traveling with Tsunade and Shizune for two years. We had gotten so much closer over the past 5 years, Currently we were sitting at a bar in some town Tsunade said she had visited years ago. Traveling with Tsunade has definitely made my Alcohol tolerance go up but compared to her I was still a lightweight. So on nights like tonight where Tsunade challenged me to a drinking contest I was a little tipsy. Shizune never participated in our little competitions but she wasn't afraid to take it as an opportunity to find out more about me. Whenever I got like this she would always try and get me to spill about my past and where I had come from and such. She only ever got bits of information but over 5 years I'd say she knew a good bit about me. She had learned I had two brothers and the rest of my family was dead. She also learned I had lost a close friend and that I loved dogs. So not much but what can I say, I'm a private person. Tonight however I drank a little more the usual. 

  "Sooooo, Mizuki I've been thinking did you have anyone you liked when you left your home? Like a boyfriend or anything?" I put down my glass, my face flushed from the Alcohol. Shisui. Truth be told I hadn't thought of him since leaving Konoha. I couldn't when I still had to find Itachi, train and worry about Sasuke. It was to much. Tears started streaming down my face. I touched my face in disbelief, Was I crying?!?! I can't remember the last time I cried. Shizune was istanly scared shitless I guess I forgot her and Tsunade had never seen me cry. Even after breaking several bones in an unfortunate training accident they never saw me shed a single tear. so I guess it would be quite shocking to see me start crying drunk at a bar. Tsunade immediately sobered up at the sight of me crying. It still amazes me how she can do that. She pulled me into a tight hug while Shizune began apologizing as if her life depended on it. After calming me down I assumed they were going to demand to know what this was about.

  How could I tell them about...about Shisui when I don't even know how he really died.. "Mizuki it's ok, you don't have to tell us about it if you don't want to." Tsunade said comfortingly. "Yes I'm sorry Mizuki I...I didn't know it was a sore topic for you, I won't bring it up again I'm truly sorry" Shizune said. I knew if I didn't explain, no matter what they said they would worry. "No it's alright...I tell you.." I said as I dried my tears. They both exchanged a glance but listened. "There was a boy..well I guess I should tell you that one of my brothers is actually my twin" I said and by the look on their faces I could tell they were shocked. "Your telling me there is another you out there!?!" Tsunade said. "Well um yeah, But enough about him. Me, My twin and This boy were childhood friends and well I loved him. There's not much to it." I said as if I had not just dropped a bombshell on them. "So you were in love with your and your twins childhood friend??? Wait you said 'loved' does that mean you don't love him anymore?" Shizune asked. "W- Well It's not that I don't love him it's just that well....He died." I said avoiding the stunned looks on both of their faces. "Oh my god Mizuki....How...How did he die" Tsunade asked solemnly. "I....I don't know to be honest...I was told he fell off a cliff but..." I stopped, how could I tell them that Itachi claims to have killed Shisui. "If your uncomfortable you don't have to say anymore." Tsunade said. I was very grateful for that, I didn't know how to tell them that my own twin claims to have killed the man I loved.

  "Tsunade, Shizune...I'm sorry I can't tell you more about my past. It's not that I want to keep things from you but if I tell you these things then it may inhibit my ability to complete my goal." I said honestly "Look we knew when you joined us you weren't an open book, as for why we also don't know but I hope that the day does come where you can tell us." Tsunade said and Shizune agreed. "Thank you guys both so much, You are like family to me and I can't imagine living without you."

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