But for the gentlemen don't think he's an easy conquest, his last beau was the big and bad, strong enough to huff, puff and blow the competition away, but now he's gone, and Leo's out to play.

Do you have what it takes to woo him?

Take our shot and find out, or get shot down in the process.


Slowly, my eyes moved up from the phone to Lydia's face, to see her grinning at me.

"I'm never watching another Gossip girl episode with you again," I said in a low voice and she laughed before she pulled her phone back to her,

"I think I'd make a pretty good, Dan Humphrey," Lydia said her voice full of pride,

"You're about to make a pretty good corpse," I said as I turned and opened my lockers, "Why? Did you send that to teenager in the school?"

"County," Lydia corrected, I looked over at her with a frown,

"I sent it to every teenager in the county," she said and my eyes grew at the statement, "Every high schooler, in every high school, now knows that you're single,"

My eye twitched a little at that.

"If I didn't love you-" I begun to say,

"I know," She said cutting me off,

"And you weren't my best friend-"

"I know,"

"And we weren't going to college together-"

"I know,"

"The sheriff would find bits and pieces of you all over town," I said in a lower voice, and she smirked back,

"Love you too," She said as she leaned forward and pecked me on the cheek, "Now come on, we got class in like 5 minutes,"

I grabbed my text book and slammed my locker shut. I turned to follow her and as I did, I watched this boy walked up to me, he smelled of anxiety and fear, and I scoffed in my head.

"Don't!" I said raising a hand up to him, Lydia chuckled as the boy froze and we walked pass him, and made our way to class,

We got in the class, and found Kira and Sydney in the sitting in the front two desks, Lydia sat by Sydney, and opted for sitting in the row behind them since I wasn't in the mood for questions from either girl.

As I sat down, and got myself ready, I watched as Scott walked in and sat beside Kira. That raised many eyebrows.

"Scott?" Kira said and he looked over at her, "Are you in the right class?"

"AP Biology," he answered,

"Do you know what AP stands for?" Lydia asked him,

"Advanced Placement," He answered, I looked over his shoulder and I saw when he opened his textbook, it was filled with highlighted sessions and he was ready for class,

"Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake," Mrs. Finch said right as she walked in, "Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?"

"Circular, self-replicating DNA molecules often used in cloning proteins," Lydia answered,

"Nicely stated, Lydia," She said to her, "Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?"

"Uh..." Lydia froze up at the answer, I racked my brain quickly and I knew the answer,

"B-12," I called out and Mrs. Finch looked at me and nodded,

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