She smiled and watched me take the shot, I let it burn in the back of my throat.

"You have a high tolerance." She smiled.

"Tell me about it." I ordered four more shots. They came back a second later. I passed her two and she took one.

I stared out at Alessio, his eyes weren't on mine anymore.

"Ah," the girl said, "You're with Alessio."

"I'm supposed to be, why do you know him too?" I looked at her.

"I should hope so." She took another shot and ordered a whiskey. "After all we did grow up in the same household."

My eyes widened, "Alia," I smiled.

"That's me!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were his sister." I put my head in my hand. She moved it back.

"Would it change anything? After all, you are still very beautiful, and very stressed." She let go of me and sat in the chair, "So, tell me what you see in him." She crossed her legs and drank from her glass.

"Well first off, Happy Birthday!" I smiled at her, she raised her glass and saluted to nothing and no one.

"I guess you can say we met online." I said. It wasn't a complete lie, although I just didn't know it was him through the screen.

She nodded, before she could say anything, I heard Alessio say something behind me.

"I see you met Alia." He put his hand on my hip. I peeled it off but he put it back. I rolled my eyes.

"Dude, why do you still have Sabrina as your assistant?" Alia said.

"Because, her father is a narcissistic asshole, and won't keep our alliance unless she works for me." He rolled his eyes.

I tried shifting to move him off of me, but his hand squeezed my hip and went closer to my front. I paused everything, My movements, thoughts, breathing.

He continued to talk, "Alia, this is Elana."

"Ah yes, I never got your name." She referred. I smiled, coming back to my senses.

"Well, I'm going to go find Papa! Cake cutting is in an hour. Enjoy yourselves!" She got up with her glass and left.

Alessio made me stand up, "Let's go," his soft tone was now dropped as he gripped my hand and lead me somewhere.

We walked down a hallway, passing door after door, getting farther away from the grand room.

We stopped in front of one door. Alessio didn't look at me as he opened it and shut it behind me, trapping me between him the wall.

"What is your deal?" He asked in anger.

"You." I said and pushed him off of me.

"Fix the attitude or I won't hesitate to fuck you right now." He held my wrist.

I looked at him seriously, "Oh quit the act Alessio. What am I even doing here if you have Sabrina?" I asked as I walked farther into the darkness.

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