Kai. Even his name pisses me off.

So fucking much.

My blood just boils.

"since tomorrow is Sam's last day to leave the house before she goes to rehab again, Linda wants all of us to go out for lunch tomorrow. Not that I have a problem with going out and getting lunch, the only problem is Kai." She tells me in all honesty.

"Is it about when he tried to kiss you?" I ask her, trying to connect some shit together.

Amora slowly nods her head. "Well, kind of. Growing up when me, Kai and Sam would want to go out for lunch he used to be super flirty and super touchy with me. Unless he was seeing somebody, then he would keep his distance." She tells me.

I'm sorry he did what-

I'm even more glad I sent Domenico that fucking text.

Now when they go out for lunch that fucker will keep his distance.

"I don't know why but I just remembered that he used to do that." Amora adds on. "Well it's fine I can act as if everything is okay for a few hours. Just for Sam, I guess." She says, adding a nervous laugh.

She deserves much better.

And I'm going to give it to her.

The life she deserves.

"Do you have to go for lunch?" I ask her.

I mean she can hang out with me tomorrow.

I would love that.

She shrugs her shoulders. "I would like to meet Sam one last time." She says. "Hang out with her." Amora adds on.

I place my hands onto her hips and pull her in. "How do you feel about the idea of getting real with me? I mean, I want to get serious with you, Amora." I say to her.

I want her.

I want her to be mine.

I want to be hers.

"Enzo," Amora whispers.

Fuck the name.

"Take time to think about it. Please. And I'm being serious." I tell her. "Look, Amora. I'm not going to push you into getting into a relationship with me. I just wanted to tell you I'm ready," I say.

"and if you want to stay friends. we can do that to" I reassure her.

"I don't know what I want," she whispers.

"take time to think about it, okay?" I tell her.

She softly nods and sits on her bed. "Willing to sleep?" She asks me. I smile at her.

"Sure, just a minute. I need to use the bathroom." I tell her.

Now she sits uncomfortably on her bed. "Oh. Okay." She says after a while. I get off her bed and walk into the bathroom.

I do my peeing business. And go over to the sink to wash my hands.

Through the mirror, I notice some type of liquid in the shower.


Red liquid.

I turn off the tap and turn around. I walk over to the shower area and bend down slightly.


Did Amora hurt herself by accident? I stood back up and head out of the bathroom.

Amora was there pacing around the bedroom.

Making it even more obvious there's something up.

"Hey?" I say in a questioning tone.

"Hmm?" She hums in response.

"There was blood in the shower? Not that type of blood." I say referring to her period.

There's no way that's period blood.

Trust me I should know.

I've killed enough people to even tell what there blood type is just by looking at the blood.

Her eyes widen a little. "I shaved..." she says.

"You shaved? Really?" I ask.

"My legs..." she adds on.

"Your legs?" I repeat her words. But her legs were already shaved.

She lied.

She smiles and nods.

"Yeah. Just a little. I must have cut myself by accident. It happens."

I don't believe her.


Super tiny I know:)  but in order for chapter 29 to have to plot I wanted you to know as well.

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Sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes

See you soon:)

Word count: 1098

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