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~ Lucy POV ~

Levy and gajeel were walking me back home even though I was most capable of walking myself home, I'm still very grateful that they're with me.
I still can't get my mind away from Natsu.
I guess I do like him.
" So how was your guys mission today?" I asked trying to get my mind off him
"Oh it was great, we went to this amazing building filled with lots of magical books and we had to find this wizard who controlled water and take them down to retrieve this amazing book about real dragons!" Levy replied proudly
"wow that sounds amazing!" I replied "actually...that ain't right at all. This giant magical building with magical books was just the plain old library, this magical water freak was just a guy with a hose and the amazing book about dragons was just a kids book we had to return. We only done the job so shrimp could go to the library and read while I finish the job" replied Gajeel. Levy replied with a grunt and started to scold gajeel. While I was listening into their little conversation I started getting a headache which I thought was just because of my previous job but then suddenly I started seeing things. A flashback?

* Vision *

A giant dragon stood before Lucy. "You must come with us your..."
Suddenly it changes and now Lucy is standing infront of a portal "through here lies your future" my future? Change
"Oh Lucy darling..."
Now she's in a cave infront of a glowing crystal. She touches it...

* End of vision *

"...ucy?...hello Lucy???....LUCY??" Levy yelled.
"Huh what?" Lucy asked confused
"we're at your apartment, are you gonna go in or are you gonna stand there staring at the walls?" Gajeel said
"oh yes thank you guys for walking me home I appreciate it" Lucy said while giving levy a hug and punching gajeel on the shoulder
"see yous tomorrow goodnight" and with that levy and gajeel left and Lucy was left to think what just happened today.

~ Gray POV ~

I am very much against the fact of kicking my sister out of team Natsu. I get that they're doing it to protect her but she is so much more then they think she is. I'm not gonna leave her alone even if she isn't in the team anymore. She comes first. And then laxus, Wendy .....maybe juvia too

- The next day -

Everyone made it to the guild in the morning but Lucy seemed tired. She didn't get any sleep last night because those same images kept showing up last night and she's been stuck thinking about Natsu so she sluggishly pushed open the guild doors
"Good morning Lucy" everyone said cheerfully "morning" she said tiredly while walking to the bar to lay down. Everyone looked confused but shook it off. Gray came upto Lucy
"Lu what's wrong you look half dead" she didn't know if she should tell gray about these 'visions' and thoughts about Natsu so she makes up a lie.
"I was just up all night thinking about how long it will take me to recover so I can take another job request with Team Natsu. The rent doesn't pay itself" Lucy says smiling
gray was unsure but took a seat beside her and said
"Lu I need to tell you something important" Lucy looked confused and said
"okay shoot what's up"
"it's Natsu he-" but before gray could finish Natsu says
"hey Luce can we talk for abit, it's important" he says with a serious face
"u-uh actually I was just-" she tries to avoid him but before she could finish gray says
"it's okay go talk to him" he says before giving Natsu a disgusted look.
Once they got to somewhere private Natsu took a deep breathe and says
"Lucy we're removing you out of Team Natsu"
"w-what" Lucy says trying to understand what was going on
"but natsu w-why?" She atleast wanted an explanation
"I'm sorry Lucy but your just to weak, you drag us behind because we always need to protect you and look after you during our missions. Your just not strong enough to be with us. We hate seeing you get hurt because your a precious nakama. If your worried about us losing numbers don't worry Lisanna will be joining our team so she can get some fighting back into her life. I'll always be there for you though so if you ever need someone-" he gets cut off
"save it natsu, it's fine. What did gray say" she says with her head down holding back her tears
"he was completely against this idea, look Luce I.." "like I said it's fine" she says with a smile while pushing back her tears
"well alright then! Thank you for taking it so easy I'll see you around then Luce"
"it's Lucy" she whispers
"what was that sorry I didn't hear you?" Natsu asked
"nothing haha just go" and with that he leaves. Since lucy was in one of the back rooms in the guild she slid against the wall and brought her knees upto her chest and started crying to herself to make sure the others didn't hear her.
"First I find out he's in a relationship now and then I find out I'm being kicked out of my team" lucy starts crying
Meanwhile with gray he saw Natsu come back but he only saw him come back alone.
Natsu comes back clutching his heart and frowning really hard at the ground
"Wasn't he just with lu?" Gray waited to see if Lucy would come but she never did.
"Is it just me or can you smell something salty?" Wendy ask looking at Gajeel
"I can smell it too kid" Gajeel says confused
Suddenly grays stomach just dropped like he felt that something was wrong so he ran to the room where Lucy and Natsu were talking but she wasn't there. No sign at all. Gray then began racing to Lucy's apartment
"please be there"

~ Laxus POV ~

"Thank you for helping with this job" said a short old man
"yeah yeah hand over the prize I've got family to see" laxus said impatient. Just as laxus was about to reach for the prize that same feeling gray had laxus got aswell which made him stop in place frozen
"freed collect the prize, somethings wrong with Lucy"
laxus said turning into lightning and bolting through the roof of the man's house going back to the guild.
"So about that prize money" bickslow said staring at the old man who's mouth was hung open staring at his roof.

~ Makarov POV ~

Master please meet me in my apartment right now
She slid the note under the door to the masters office.
"Hm my child what's wrong" he thinks to himself making his way to Lucy's apartment.

Their magic from within | 𝐴 𝑛𝑎𝑙𝑢 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora