My Love: 🙄🙄🙄

My Love: So you got plans tomorrow?


Going to Shoku's house

My Love: Why..?

Gonna cook food:/

My Love: You want me to walk you there?

I think I'll be okay

My Love: Alright well if you need me then text me

Will do!

Umeji's POV

Umeji put his phone down. He was annoyed. Why? Well why would Y/n be going to Shoku's house? A guy's house. Even worse that cooking club loser.
Umeji didn't even understand why he cared so much. He didn't like her or anything. But the thought of Y/n alone with a guy that isn't Umeji.. It's infuriating.

Y/n's POV

Wensday morning was the same as any other morning. You woke up, got ready, ate breakfast, and woke Midori. Which was new but you didn't mind. You both walked out the house to see Umeji standing outside. "Took you long enough" Umeji scowled at you two. You walk over to Umeji, Midori following close behind. "Hey, sorry the morning routine got longer since I gotta wake up Midori" you laughed. Midori pouted and you three began your walk to school.

You were outside on the roof before class. You were with your friends, all but Saki and Osana. You were having a conversation about your favorite YouTubers.

That conversation was stopped when Shoku walked over. "Hey guys, can I steal Y/n for a moment?" Shoku asked. You got up and walked with him away from your friends. "What's up?" You asked the brunette. "I was wondering if you still wanted to come to my house today?" Shoku asked. His cheeks were slightly tinted pinks. You smiled and nodded. "Yeah of course. I do need your address though" you told him. "O-Of course! I'll text it to you at lunch" Shoku said. "Alright I'll see you later" Shoku said before walking off.

In class you were bored by the teacher's lecture. You turned around to see Umeji sleeping. You smiled and pulled out a blank piece of paper which you began to draw on. You were drawing Umeji's sleeping face. It took about 10 minutes until you finished. You folded the paper and put it on Umeji's desk. The bell rang and Umeji woke up. He immediately saw the paper and opened it. A few seconds after examining the drawing his face went red and he looked at you. You smiled at him before turning around and getting out your bento.

You headed to the roof as always. Unlike most days you didn't see your friends there.
You shrugged and headed to the bench where you saw Taro sitting, he looked bummed out.
"Yo Yamata! What's up?" You called out to him as you walked over. You took your seat next to Taro and he looked up at you.
"Oh.. Hey Y/n.." Taro mumbled before looking back to the floor. "What's wrong?" You Ask Taro. He let's out a sigh and leans up. "Osana... Messed up my book yesterday.." Taro replied. You blankly stare at Taro for a moment.
"I- I don't get it" you tell him. Taro let's out another sigh. "My sister gave me that book and I REALLY liked it. I let Osana barrow it and when I got it back.. It was all wet and ruined.. All Osana could say was she didn't know how it happened..".

"Damn that sucks. What book was it? I could buy you a new one. I know it can't replace the sentimental value the last book had but at least you'd be able to finish the book" you suggested. Taro shook his head and laid back. "No I'm okay.. I'm just bummed out about it.. First the bento and now my book.. What's next?" Taro looks at you. "I'm sure it was an accident. Have more faith in your friend. I'm sure it's all just an accident" you assure Taro. "Yeah.. You're right" Taro replied.

♥︎𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰♥︎ - {Umeji × Reader}Where stories live. Discover now