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{Biannca's pov}

Ughh thomas is spending way too much time with eve these days.. i mean they hang out all the time and he doesn't with me.. like i am his wife you should spend more time with me then with that b!tch of an ex wife i... ughhh i just hate iit...

'Hey i am leaving..'

Ughh not again...

'Were to??'

'Uhhm i am having  lunch with eve i told you..'

'Yeah you told me but i tought we could hang out?? Maybe i can cook dinner tonight? Honey..'

'Babe i would love to but i have to go now..'

'Thommy... i didn't wanted to tell you this because i hate it when we fight but you're spending way to much time with eve.. like more than with me...'

'Babe that's not true..'

'It is...'

'Can we talk ab-..'

'No! We're going to takk about it now!'

'Amore please i am late already now... come on... can we please talk about this later??'

'Ughh alright...'

*and he leaves*

Ughh i hate it when he does this.. i mean she i comming to close.. even tho she is my best friend i don't think he should hang out with her anymore because other wise something will happend because i know eve she always cheats... wait?? Shall i call ?? I mean i could.. as revenge?? Oh well...

'Hey biannca.. eve's not home.. i-..'

'That's not why i am calling uhm do you wanna hang out ?? Like uhm today??'

'uh yes why not..'

'Okay damiano.. see you..'


*and he hangs up*

~after some time~

{Biannca's pov} *at a restaurant were eve is with thomas* *some were in rome*

'Oh hey damiano..'

'Hii.. uhm shall we go in??'

'Yeah sure'

*and they go inside*

'Oh hey eve..'

*she says while she walks by with damiano*

'Biannca what the hel????!! Why are you here with damiano?!'

'well if you hang out with my husband so can i right???'

'Pleasee give me a break your just jealous.!! Because thomas and i are good friends!'

'Oh ahahaha your such good friends huh??? Well let me tell you something eve.. thomas doesn't like left overs.. like you...'

'WHAT?!!!!! You think i am cheating again?!!! Seriouslly?!!! As that how you think of me?!!!!! Really?!!!'

'Babe come on that was harsh..'

*thomas says while he stands up from his chair*

'Come she desevers it!!'

'no! Babe come on!.. eve and i are just friends! Don't you see what you're doing right now? You're acting out of jealousy..'


'No buts! Babe come on! We are going home and we're going to talk about this!..'

'Thommy i-..'

'No! Go!'

*and they leave*


{eve's pov}

'Dami... why did you do this???'

'Amore i didn't know she would do this.. she just called me out of no were and asked if we could hang out nothing more babe.. i swear...'

'yeah.. i belive you but i can't belive she just said that to me... i mean am i ??'

'Amore no.. ofcourse not...hey don't think that...'

'I i .. it's just.. thomas and i are just f-friends i mean... i don't know what i did wrong...'

*she says while she starts to cry..*

'Heyy.. babe..shhh.. nothing of what she said is true okay?? Don't ever think that... about yourself okay??'

*he says while he hugs her*

'B-but she knows i am woriking on it.. that's the worst part of it...'

'Shhh babe i know... but shall we go home??... the girls are watching fernando..and i don't want to leave them alone to long..'


~at thomas and biannca's house~

{Thomas pov}

Me and biannca just got home and i still can't belive she said that.. i mean it was pretty harsh.. besides that eve is working on it i mean  on everything and then her best friend says something to her and now ughh i don't know what now but what i do know is that i am very mad at biannca right now..

'Babe... hey! Don't walk away.. from me!..'

'Thomas leave me alone!!'

'No!! We're going to talk about this..  i mean what you just did was very harsh.. i mean you know that she is working on the problems she has.. '

'I know!.. but she was comming to close! And i tought... th-..'

'What??? She was going to cheat??? Really??? Come on biannca she is your best friend! You should trust her!'

'I know.. i know.. but..ughhh whatever...'

'No! Not whatever.. babe i love you but i don't like it when you're like this..'

'I know i know.. i am sorry...'

'You better tell that to eve..'

'Yeah tomorrow maybe.. i don't know..'

'You will.. i mean she d-..'

'I knoww!...'

'Okay okay.. sorry..'

*to be contiued*


Ehehehe okayy allrightt well uhmm enjoy! And see youu next timee😘😘

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