21.{need you now}p1.

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{Eve's pov} *a couple of months later*

It's a couple of months later and me and thomas have become such good friends i mean we can talk for hours on the phone and hours when we're going out for coffee and i can see that he is happy but still sometimes i wonder what it would been like if we were still together... but we aren't so .. yeah.. but it's okay ! I mean he is happy  with Biannca and i couldn't be more happier for thomas..


'Yes my dear..'

'We have to to LA tomorrow are you going  with me??'

'Yeah ofcourse i am going with you..dami..'

*she says while she comes closer to him..*

'You know i tought.. maybe we could bring the kids to my partens then?'

'Yeah sure.. i mean jamie loves your mom..'

'Aww..yeah he does..'

'Sooo..uhm i am leaving  soon..'


'Because i am meeting up with thomas.. for lunch..'

'Babe not again?! After that thing you had with ethan!'


'What??? Look do what ever you want but..'

'But what??'


'Dami he is married and i am married to you.. so please don't worry okay? I won't do it ever again... i promise.. okay??'


*he says while sighs*

'Damsi.. i lovee youu..'

'I love you to amore... now go..'

'Yeah yeah.. i'll see you after okay??'

'Yes my love...'

*and she leaves*

{Thomas pov} *at a cafe somewere in rome*


'Hey evi..'

*he says while hugs her*

'Happy birthday!'

'Aw thank you evi..'

'I got you a present!..'

'No.. you didn't haad to do that..evi..'

'I wanted to wait..'

*and she takes a little envelope out of her bag*

'Here you go.. it's ticket to Crete.. for you and biannca so you can relax after the tour sounds good??'

'Omg.. yeah ofcourse thank youu..evi..'

*he says while he hugs her*

~after some time~ ~4pm~

{Eve's pov}

'Thomas.. i really need to get going..'

'Noo.. stayy..'

'No i have to go dami texted me already like five times..'

'Oh come on... evi..'

'No.. thommy..'

'well you text me when you get home??'

'Yeah sure always... thom..'

*and she stands up from her chair and she walks out of the restaurant*

~in the car~

{eve's pov}

I am in the car driving home..and i turned the radio on and there is this somg need you now..and it's on right now.. i mean the feelss..

Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone cause
I can't fight it anymore.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind.
For me it happens all the time.
It's a quarter after one.
I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control
And I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now.

I mean that song.. it reminds me of him.. but he isn't mine anymore.. but still.. i wonder how it would be..ughh i am thinking to much right now.. okay okay.. okay.. focus.. eve.. focus... ughhh!!.. i hate thiis... why is he.. no.. he is happy.. i can't do it again.. i mean it will ruin my life.. ughhh... okay. Let's just drive home now...

*and then a car comes up.. and then the car hits her*

Ughh i really need to stop thinking...huh is that a OMGGG!!!...


It's a quarter after one.
I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call, but I lost all control
And I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without
I just need you now....


{Damiano's pov}

I am at home waiting for eve to come home but she isn't.. so i tried to call her but she won't pick up..and i've called thomas and he hasn't heard from her either so now i am getting really worried...


'Marilena.. i don't know were eve is... and i am getting worried...'

'Have you called her??'

'Yes i did... alsmost ten times.. she won't pick up.. and your dad hasn't heard from her either..'

'Oh.. omg.. what if somethings wrong damiano???'

'I don't know b-.. oh someone's calling me. It's ethan.. nice..'


'ethan i do-..'

'It's eve she has been in a car accident.. i drove by and..she...'

'Ethan were are you????'

'I am the hospital.. damiano.. with vic and thomas and biannca.. it's bad.. damiano...'

'O-omg... okay.. i am comming..as soon as i can...'


*and he hangs up*

'What's wrong damiano??'

'Your mom has been in an  car accicdent.. we need to go to the hospital...'

'Damiano.. someone has to stay here..for jamie and Fernando..you go.. i'll stay here just..call me if there is something okay???'

'Yeah i'll...'

*and he leaves*


Omgg... okayy well uhm enjoy! And see youu next timee😘😘😘

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