Aw crap my [shoes] (Shawny)

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If it isn't clear already, the way that time works in all three 'worlds' is different. Crafter's server compared to the 'real' world is how it is in the GK999 books, but the Minecraft world is very disconnected to either of the others. In Crafter's server time feels normal to Tommy, but something about the time in the Minecraft world feels just that little bit off to GK. 

Also those two villagers weren't really meant to be any specific characters, it just happened.


Words: 2,422

Tws: Swearing, also I talk about climate change for a bit idk why


Shawny had been online for a few hours, so when Tommy didn't log onto their shared Minecraft server, he began to get worried. (On Saturdays they had a set time to play together.) Gameknight never took this long, even when he was genuinely ill, so for him not to be online meant that something was either seriously wrong, or seriously right.

"Mom?" He called, pulling off his headphones and letting them slip down to rest on his shoulders, "Can I go over to Tommy's house?"

The response came a moment later, "Did he not log on?" She yelled, voice muffled by several doors and obstructed by the regular crashing of the boxes she was organizing.

"Yeah he didn't!" Shawny yelled back, "Can I go check on him?"

There was no response for a moment, and as he closed his laptop he could only guess that she was muttering something about how not being online didn't mean not being okay, but she quickly yelled, "Yes, but remember to hang your coat up on the way back inside!"

"Thanks!" He shouted, clambering out of his chair and racing toward the door, "I will!" (But when he stumbled out the door, shoes only halfway on his feet, he neglected to grab his coat. Can't forget to hang it up if you don't even bring it.)

He tripped across the front lawn, feet catching briefly on a root and nearly flinging him onto his face, and arms windmilling wildly as he slipped on a toy truck his brother had left out. But he eventually made it onto the sidewalk. From there it was a smoother run, and he leaped over the cracks and scraggly plants with the agility of a deer.

Honestly, he could hardly feel his legs as he sprinted to Gameknight's house, not because he was tired, but because he knew the way to his home so well. They were good friends and had been that way since elementary school, and their parents were all okay people, so they knew each other's homes as well as their own. (And plus, he was also too busy focusing on what he would do when he got to Tommy's house to pay attention to his legs. As they had grown older, Tommy had developed a bit of trouble with his emotions, and though it sounded stupid, it was a serious issue. So of course Shawney was worried, he knew the possibilities of what could happen.)

Of course, he wasn't that worried, Tommy had been getting better over the past year, but even if it was something as stupid as his friend sleeping in a little bit to long, Shawny wanted to check on him. He spotted the house, it's red brick walls sharp against the outline of the trees and exactly where he expected them to be. 'Thank god,' he thought, semi sarcastically, 'And earthquake didn't hit it,'

He slowed as he walked up their driveway, now panting as the tiredness of running finally caught up to him. He knew that they were on break from school, but he hadn't expected his running ability to go away that quickly, it had only been a week! Shawny reached the door and knocked, he knew he could probably just walk right in if he wanted to, he was almost like a second kid to these people, but he thought it was probably polite to ask to come in.

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