Not Again! (Gameknight999)

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. . .Hi so I forgot about some of the mechanics of the dream world, ignore it, it'll be fixed next time. XD

*One of these guys might be out of character, just uh... try not to pay attention to it, I haven't read about him in a while.

Words: 2,179

Tw: F word

That night, Gameknight went to bed happy. He had just experienced a very humorous and relieving conversation with these two people. (Both of whom he was very excited about introducing his sister Jenn to. He remembered her liking the DreamSMP as a series, and he knew that she would be interested in learning about the real characters.)

However, sometimes dreams aren't nice enough to reflect the good parts of a person's day. So as Gameknight closed his eyes and let the familiar feeling of sleep take him, he realized that he knew where he had dreamed himself.

'The Land of Dreams!' He thought spinning around and taking in the familiarity foggy landscape (even if it wasn't a place that he recognized), 'I was wondering if I could go back here-'

But before he could fully process his surroundings, he heard something off to his side. Normally, a snap of a stick or even a monster sound wouldn't be a problem in this place. (Things from the real world couldn't interact with him, because he was really only dreaming being there.) But there was something different about this particular sound, something that worried him.

He spun around slowly, shifting through his inventory for a sword as he tried to locate the source of the sound. (A sword and not his bow because he had already realized how close to him the crackle of leaves had grown.) It seemed to be spinning with him, creeping through the undergrowth the way that only another dreamwalker could. Focused and attentive, something (or someone) was definitely stalking him.

"Who's there?!" He called, finally managing to pull his sword out. (And though it wasn't exactly anything special, Gameknight was glad to have even the simplest of iron swords, especially after... what had happened the last few times he had been in here.) He brandished the weapon further out, "I'm not afraid of you!"

Suddenly, a low laugh rang out. (Spread out almost as if it came from all around him instead of one side) "Not afraid?" The voice asked, and as GK recognised it, he felt his blood run cold, "I'm almost hurt." The shuffling of branches accompanied the voice's last words and as the figure stepped out into the open, Gameknight could almost wish that this was just a nightmare.

"Herobrine." He growled through grit teeth, pure hatred filing his body as he stared into the eyes of his nemesis. Oh how he had wished that this monster was dead.

Herobrine laughed, stepping lightly over a fallen tree branch (something that Gameknight knew was not in vanilla minecraft). "I see you've finally found my true home," the virus said, throwing his arms to the side as if he was inviting Gameknight inside at a birthday party.

"My dreams? You wish." The brown haired boy hissed.

The virus shook his head, laughing yet again, "Of course not! I live here, among the true servers," And when GK lowered his sword in shock, he scoffed, "That Notch you know wasn't the one who 'made' me, what did you think I was, a piece of code in a game?"

"Yes actually," Gameknight whispered, raising his sword again as he recovered from his shock, "That's what you told me, how was I not to believe you!"

Hero stopped his pacing for a moment and looked at him strangely, "I would have thought you'd have learned not to trust me by now."

'He has a point about that,' Gameknight thought, 'I probably should have.' But he just shook his head, "I thought that I might be able to trust where you came from at least, you seemed pretty proud of it."

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang