Finally!! (GK999)

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Sorry this took a while, I nearly forgot about it, but then I had a study hall instead of band class and speed wrote three pages. 

Also I actually edited this one sooo... at least it's not going to be as god awful as the last few.

Words: 2,242

I don't think this needs any trigger warnings.


Gameknight yawned and sat up, rubbing his eyes awkwardly as he found himself awake once more. He didn't remember falling asleep, but based on the soft laughter to his side, and the tiredness burning in his limbs, he had. He forced his eyes open and glanced to his left and then his right. On one side he saw Techno still snoring, and on the other was a thousand foot drop onto the forest floor. For a moment he was confused, the unkempt sprawl of the jungle a shock to his eyes as he tried to piece together memories, but it didn't take him too long to get it.

"Gameknight," laughed Phil, sounding much less annoyed than the last time Gameknight had heard him speak, "It's time to get up mate, Xisuma's here."

That was right. He was trapped in Hermitcraft, but wait, Xisuma? Already? Had he slept for an hour? Gameknight blinked again and scrambled to his feet, unbalanced on the edge of the tower, but sure of his survival as elytra wings caught him back. "He is?" He asked quickly, still not fully steady as a gust of wind buffeted him, "Already?"

Phil nodded, a soft smile on his face, "He's right behind you," he pointed over Gameknight's shoulder, he leaned in closer to whisper, "And get this, Etho's still in his storage room, so if we deliver this information quickly, we might not have to take him with us."

"Oh that's why you're so happy," Gameknight muttered sarcastically, even as he was grateful to Phil for waking him up, "It all makes sense now." He turned to face Xisuma (who's presence he was now acutely aware of) and put his most awkward smile on his face, the kind that said, 'I don't know anything about who you are as a person, but I know most of the course of your recent life, don't worry about it!'

"Hello," Xisuma smiled, and even through the helmet his voice was just as clear as it had ever sounded in any of the other Xisuma's youtube videos, "What brings you all to Hermitcraft?"

Instantly Gameknight felt his face heat up, there was just something about being in the presence of a fully armored bee man that made him anxious. (He respected the outfit choice, but there was something about it that made him embarrassed, like he was underdressed somehow.) "Well, I had a dream-" he started, and quickly stopped, was that a good place to start a story? Could he at least give a bit of context first? He looked to Phil for help, suddenly very aware of how small and insignificant he looked compared to the other people here. He wasn't even from the same world as them, how was he supposed to explain his story in terms that would make sense to a man he'd never even met?

Xisuma waited patiently, wings tipped with elytra in what must have been a way to fly faster. (It was ingenious, but Gameknight was too busy stumbling over his words to fully appreciate it.)

Thankfully, Phil took over for him. "My friend here doesn't come from this world," he placed a hand on Gameknight's shoulder, "And he's looking to get home," he glanced down at Gameknight encouragingly, "But he's had a dream that we thought should be brought to someone's attention."

Xisuma nodded slowly, and Gameknight could only hope that he looked confused (and not annoyed) under that helmet of his. "So you came to me about it?" he inquired carefully, "Why?"

Gameknight felt Phil's hand tighten around his shoulder as the bird hybrid tensed, "Well I-" he looked around wildly, eyes eventually resting on Techno's snoring face before darting right back to Xisuma, "I missed you, and I thought that you might know something about the topic of his dream," Phil shuffled his wings awkwardly, and Xisuma matched it with a strange little flutter of his own.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now