o.0 (Tommyinnt)

22 3 2

Tws: Cult mention, possible derealization, little bit of swearing, religious themes? But not dark or anything, just general, and death mentions

Words: 2,549

Not proud of this one but oh well.


"So you're telling me that you are from the uh... Dream SMP?" Crafter asked, eyes dark with confusion and worry. Tommy nodded at him, hoping that Crafter (who seemed to be the only sensible villager here) would at least know what that was. However, no such luck, because as soon as he had confirmed his nationality, the young looking villager looked even more confused.

"It's just a nation," Tommy insisted, worry darkening in him, "I swear you could just ask any of the other villages around here and they would know what it was." 'It's not exactly low profile,' he thought, 'Before Dream closed the borders we were pretty big at trade.'

But Crafter simply sighed and shook his head, and Tommy was shot into confusion. "I already told you, I just had a meeting with the other Crafters, and none of them knew what it was."

Ignoring the fact that Crafter had said "other Crafters" like it was some sort of group, (A minority? A job specialization? Just a name?) Tommy quickly asked, "How do you know you talked to all of them, wasn't someone unable to make it?" (The other villages couldn't have been that close... right?)

Crafter shook his head. "No, none of them traveled here, we simply went to bedrock and shared our thoughts, it is the meeting day after all."

Tommy raised his eyebrows. Went to bedrock and shared thoughts? What in prime's name could that mean?

But even though Crafter seemed to know that he was confused, the small NPC only continued, "Besides, from what we-" he nodded to Hunter and Herder, who were sitting very quietly a few blocks away from him, "-know, the Dream SMP is a piece of fictional content that only exists in the real world."

This only made Tommy more confused, but as he opened his mouth to speak, Crafter cut him off, "-and I know that we all have a different 'real' world, especially if you really are from this 'Dream SMP' place, but to us, your word is only as real as the users we see talking about it."

Tommy felt his stomach drop, his world wasn't real? Just when he had half convinced himself that this village might not be a cult, they had basically proven to him that they were. But as Crafter started to continue his bull shit explanation, Tommy, unable to stay silent any longer, interrupted him. "How long have you been lying to these people?" He hissed, suddenly very angry at the supposed leader of this village, "Did you manipulate them just like you're trying to manipulate me?!"

He made to lunge forward (pickaxe drawn in a move that Techno had once shown him), but before he could actually get the stupid thing through those strangly blocky teeth, he was forced to stop. To his side, he heard Hunter draw her bow, and a soft growl from his other side told him that Herder was also on the alert to attack. 'Maybe it's a bit further along of a cult than it seems like,' he told himself, 'They do seem to be pretty intent on protecting this little kid.' But with the enchanted bow pointed at him, he forced himself to sit down and listen to whatever Crafter was about to try to tell him.

"I haven't lied to them," he started, the simplicity of the statement causing Tommy to roll his eyes. 'Yeah like no one's ever lied before idiot,' he thought, pickaxe still held strongly in his hand, even as Crafter continued, "We all have our jobs ingrained in our code, and we all know how the game works, but because you weren't coded into this game, you can't understand that."

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat