"Phil?" (GK999)

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Can you tell I like writing GK more than Tommy? Anyway, I wrote four pages of this last night and didn't remember it at all when I woke up.

Tws: Swearing, light angstWords: Words: 2,661

Gameknight was shivering, and he wasn't sure if it was because it was cold, or because of the growing terror in his gut. "I'm not so sure about this Phil," he admitted, holding onto his friend's arm for dear life, even though they hadn't even lifted off the ground yet. "I mean, how are you going to carry both of us?"

Techno laughed, patting GK on the shoulder in a way that could have been rude or comforting, "Well, he carried you here right? Both of us can't be that much more difficult."

"I think you might need to check your math on that one Tech," Phil said, gently removing GK from his arm as he continued, "Plus, we're going to use the nether for the first half of the journey, it would be stupid to waste my energy on getting to the border."

Gameknight blushed and stepped back, knowing that he should have probably thought of that, but thankfully for him, the dark they had decided to travel in masked his embarrassment. (Flying over the border would be easier at night, even if all of their packing for it had been done first thing in the morning.) "Yeah, that's probably smart." He murmured, turning from side to side to see if he could spot a nether portal, "Probably should have thought of that myself."

Phil smiled at him (not that GK could see it in the night darkness), "Well, we all have our slip ups, don't we?" He turned to his other companion, wings shifting comfortably under his cloak. "Even someone as perfect as Techno here."

The piglin nodded briefly, the sound of shifting hair being the only indication of the swift movement. "I do have a lot of those," he said simply, possibly catching onto Phil's sarcasm, perhaps not. The sound of crunching snow accompanied shifting shadows, "Let's get going!" he called, obviously impatient to get into the warmth of the nether, "We want to actually get over the border right?"

Phil laughed and crunched after him, "Of course we do!" he waved a hardly visible hand for Gameknight to follow him, "How else are we supposed to get to Hermitcraft?"

"We're going to Hermitcraft?" Asked GK excitedly (now that was an SMP that he watched the 'real' version of), running after Phil loudly.

Techno scoffed (but not in a rude way), "Were you even listening to our conversation back at the house?" he asked, slowing slightly to allow his two companions to catch up, "We sort of discussed this." Phil nodded in agreement but did not make a move to speak, he seemed preoccupied with yanking his foot out of a particularly deep hole in the ground. (His pant leg was only just protecting him from the sharp shards of ice around the edges.)

Gameknight slowed, finally catching up to the other two as he indignantly replied, "I was listening!" 'For most of it anyway.' "I just got caught up with my dream at that part." Techno and Phil both nodded understandingly, faces now visible in the light of the newly nearby nether portal.

"Hopefully we can do something about that dream of yours," Phil said quietly, hesitating on the threshold of the portal, "This Herobrine fellow doesn't seem to be very nice."

Techno laughed harshly, stepping up to the edge of the portal with his friend, "He's a historical figure, what can you expect?!" He grunted, wrapping one arm around Phil's shoulders and the other around Gameknight's. Phil cracked a smile, and GK had to hold back a worried giggle, that one hit just a bit too close to home.

The group took a second to calm down, but once it had passed, they still hesitated. Sure, it was dark and cold out, but the passing into the nether seemed to symbolise more than just a stop on their journey. (Or at least, it did for Gameknight.) It symbolized leaving a safe place and stepping into the unknown and ruined land that was the nether, but more than that, it symbolized the danger that they were going into by entering this quest. Sure, the nether probably wasn't a source of trauma to either Phil or Techno, but based on their restrained expressions, they had caught onto the symbolism that it held.

GK999, The New Dream SMP MemberWhere stories live. Discover now