Crap (Tommyinnt)

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I'm relying on the fact that you might not remember the exact plot of the last Tommy chapter for this one. XD 

 Also I have nearly completely lost my interest in the DSMP, so if anyone's up for a perspective change to Herder (my beloved) or Shawney (THE beloved) I'm totally up for it. 


Tws: referenced character death, swearing

Words: 2,410


 Tommy sighed and lowered his head, not quite sure if he wanted to share the dream again, but at the same time knowing by the grave look on Crafter's face that this was important. He wanted to get back home (even if he wasn't really sure what he wanted anymore), and forget about it, but at the same time, he could tell that this wasn't any old dream. He was a dreamwalker, there was no fighting it (the villager's reactions had cleared any suspicions he might have had before). He was a dreamwalker just like his friend's friend and his own murderer, and there was nothing he could do about it.

"From the beginning or just the important parts?" He finally asked, giving into Crafter's demands with an awkward shake of his head, and when Crafter hesitated, he clarified, "The dream wasn't very long,"

Crafter nodded, grateful that Tommy had caught onto his struggle to decide, "The whole dream then, given that it's not long," he glanced back out the door, where Digger could be seen sitting next to a fire, "There's a few things I need to deal with after your story."

Though they might not have been meant to be, Crafter's words were encouraging, it felt nice to have an important part and still not be the only player. (He wondered what Puffy would say about that.) "Alright," he started, awkward now that the story wasn't just between him and two other kids, "So I was in a village, right?" He looked to Herder for confirmation, and was immediately encouraged by the kid's nodding.

"I think it was your village?" (the words were half a question even as he spoke them), "And someone walked through me? They were talking about missing kids or something," he squinted in concentration, nearly missing the bolt of alarm shooting though Crafter, "And then I could feel that some bitch was looking at me." He looked up, rather urgently as he remembered the feeling of terror that had froze him into place, it had been rather intense, and probably equal to the fear he had felt waking up in limbo.

He watched as Crafter reacted to his words, eyes widening slightly at the swear word, and narrowing again as he put together the dots, and only then did he continue, "I turned around that there was this bitch on top of a house," he waved his arms around wildly, trying to communicate the emotions of the moment accurately, "They were looking at me, but their eyes were fully white, and then they just went, 'Hello Tommy, fancy seeing you here,' ooohhh it was terrifying." he exhaled heavily, hoping that his enthusiasm in the story hadn't made him sound sarcastic (because he wasn't), and also that he had gotten the details right. (The memories had already begun to block themselves out.) But Crafter nodded, and Tommy could honestly say that both bouts of hoping had paid off. (If the tell-tale serious expression was enough of a truth.)

It took a moment for the young looking villager to respond, but when he did finally speak, his voice was forceful, like he understood exactly how Tommy felt, but also like he had planned out his words before saying them. "I'm going to be honest, I have never heard Herobrine described that way before," He said, ignoring Stitcher snickered slightly behind him, "But it was definitely Herobrine," he scratched the back of his head, "And that's not good."

He glanced back out the door, probably checking that Digger and Hunter were still safe and in view, and then looked back to the three teenagers before him. "Was there anything else that you can remember in your dream?" he sounded slightly desperate, "No brown haired boy about this high-" he held up a hand a little above his head, "-no mentions of Gameknight?"

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