Chapter Eighteen: I'll take it!

Start from the beginning

"That he is. Now get away from my husband right now psycho!" Colin voice roars into life as he enters the rest room. "You okay Arrow?" Colin asks him.

"I'll be fine," Arrow says to reassure him.

"Don't you dare come in here uninvited!" Lewis shouts.

"It's a rest room and looks like you already making quite a commotion. What was your plan here? Honestly I like to know," Colin says as he walks by Lewis and up to his husband wrapping his arms around him.

"Get off him!" Lewis shouts.

"Man you don't give up do you. Whatever none of this is my problem," Bob begins.

"You shut up and you Colin I'm going to kill you!" Lewis says very aggressively.

"This shit again? What's with you psychos running around thinking you can just kill to get what you want or hurt someone to stop them. If anyone should be pissed right now it should be me. Arrow is my husband and I support him hundred percent. What the fuck are you? What the fuck have you done?"

The air turned ice cold.

The atmosphere felt completely on edge.

Two things made Arrow feel numb.

One he had to move quickly, Colin and Arrow now on the floor holding onto each other, both as worried about the other.

"It's just a scratch," Lewis begins but he stops mid sentence.

Two Arrow felt extremely dazzed, his chest felt like the whole world is crushing it.

He looks at Lewis before managing to find Colin's hand. "I love you Colin. Forever and always. I'm sorry," Arrow whispers.

"No don't be sorry. You stopped it from being worse. My hero."

"I...this hurts," Bob whispers who also had ended up on the ground. His leg cut, bleeding onto the white tiles on the ground.

"Yeah that's how it works."

"How did you do it?" Bob asks.

"Ah that be giving everything away don't you think Arrow?" Lewis says turning his attention back to him.

"There is plenty of men out there...Lewis."

"Yeah so everyone keeps saying. But guess what..."

"You don't give a shit? Why would you? Look at that hair of yours. I'll be embarrassed walking around," Bob says.

"Your to talk what's with those clothes!" Lewis shouts back.

"Why don't you two get together? Fighting like an old married couple," Colin laughs.

Arrow looks at Colin. "You think?" He asks as he continues to hold Colin's hand.

"What do you know!" Bob shouts.

"Hmm. I argue with alot of people. That's just what I do," Lewis says.

The four men didn't dare to move. Each one wondering what is next.

"Lewis...I'm sorry that I don't feel the way you do but I love Colin. Bob is right there is plenty of men out there and maybe one day you can live a better life if you come to know what is right and what is wrong. I just want a bit of peace and to live my life," Arrow says.

"He deserves at least that. He has suffered and had to go through a lot. Each time he did I felt so scared and worried. He is my world and our boys. Maybe you will find that one day," Colin adds on.

"I wish I could. No one has ever cared about me or my life. My parents death ...and how the police did nothing to stop there killer. It really pisses me off," Bob says.

"Is that why your here? To get revenge? You been on edge ever since we came in here," Arrow says.

"That obvious," Bob whispers.

"One of my best friends and my dad work with the police. Maybe they can help with there case. Get it sorted. It's better then going down a path you will regret. Your parents wouldn't of wanted that for you," Arrow tells him.

"Why do you care?"

"Because he always does. That's just who he is. He has helped so many who have had it shit. Our two boys have been through alot too but we got them away from that darkness or at least tried too. Of course trouble seems to find us round every corner," Colin explains.

Bob sighs. "I'm sorry about that...really. I didn't want to do anything in front of those two kids but I did. I'm so angry and consumed with it."

"Someone killing your parents would do that to anyone" said Arrow getting to his feet and going over to Bob putting out his hand. "I promised we will help to get your parents some justice. There is always a better way."

Bob looks at Arrow's hand he is offering to him. A hand no one had given him till now. The young man face full of kindness behind his scars on his face. Clearly this young man might of been through hell, more then he had. He had his heart on killing the man but someone at last is offering support he thought never would of come.

Bob takes Arrow's hand and gets to his feet. "No one has ever said that to me."

"Not many people care...but you can always find someone in the end that does. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner,"Arrow says to him.

Bob starts to cry, tears of joy and sadness all at the same time. A young man of his age offering him something someone twice as old as him never did. Lewis and Colin are right. This man is special and he just got lucky enough to have finally found him.

Arrow brings Bob into a hug to let him cry against his shoulder.

"Why don't I get a hug?" Lewis demands.

Arrow looks over at Lewis. "Sorry...I don't trust you in not taking it further or think I'm interested. I'm not."

Lewis sighs. " are special but annoying guy. It doesn't matter what I do."

"No it doesn't now quit this stupid punning. Sort yourself out. Serve your time and one day once that is will find your own Arrow I'm sure," Colin tells him.

"You interested at all...I don't know your name."

Bob wipes his tears away and looks at Lewis. "My name is Bob and...maybe if you do as Colin says."

"I guess thats a maybe...I'll take it."

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