Who the fuck falls for someone they hate?


I brush my hair in the shower and wash my body. Once I was done I step out of the heated shower and grab the towel, wrapping it around my warm body.

I am too lazy to dry my hair so I just let it hang loose until it dries itself. I unlock the bathroom door and enter my bedroom. I yank my normal clothes on me before exiting my room.

I hurry down the stairs seeing Kayla standing at the front door, holding open the door. I rushed to pull my shoes on and walk towards her, glancing behind me every time.

"He's talking with Aaron," Kayla informed me, not using Silas' name to be sure that no one overheard us. "I don't care, I wasn't looking for him." I lie, lifting my shoulders as I stroll outside.

Kayla laughs and steps outside closing the door.

The wind rushes through my hair as it tickled my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Kayla walks next to me and intertwines our arms together like a married couple.

"I don't like seeing you so miserable," Kayla frowns trying to cheer me up. "Miserable? I'm happy." I point at my face giving her a broad smile, she doesn't buy it.

She pulls me closer with her arm and we begin to stumble because of the sudden movement. "Don't be mad at yourself because you like someone." She says, nudging my side.

Now I'm sure that she can read minds.

"I'm not mad at myself. I simply hate liking someone I don't have a chance with, I mean he hates me." I explain and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"What makes you think that he hates you?" She questions, I recall the moments in my head when he was an asshole.

He's always an asshole.

"He told me once I don't know how anyone could stay with you, all happy and shit." I quote, imitating his deep voice. "That's... interesting." Kayla smiles awkwardly.

"But that was at first, you didn't know each other that good. He surely likes you," She tries to encourage me, I snap my head towards her, my eyebrows lifting up as I give her a you're-kidding-right look.

"Tell me one thing that happened that makes you think that Silas likes me?" I challenge her and an evil smirk grows on her face. "First of all, I saw you two holding hands on the mission." She narrows her eyes pointing at me as we continue to walk.

"Second of all, he's always looking at you. When we were in the car, you both were having a fucking staring competition." She adds and I bite my lower lip when she calls me out.

She's kinda right.

We reach the place where we always used to meet, it was still looking the same as the last time I came here. There was a small cabin that was encircled by large green trees.

No one stays in there and the door is always unlocked so that's where we used to meet.

Me, Kayla and Ethan.

I should probably find another place that only Kayla and I know of.

We walk near the cabin until we stopped in our tracks instantly. A figure of a man was sitting in front of the cabin, with his head in his arms.

I frown and tilt my head to look better at him, but when I do I feel my hands reach out for Kayla's firmly holding her arms.

"We should leave," I whisper to Kayla and she frowns until she acknowledges the boy because of his brown hair. "Okay, don't make any sound," Kayla whispers back as we turn around, carefully walking away.

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