Start from the beginning

He blinked and coughed into his hand again before clearing his throat. "Talking about how the Potato thing would be a good project?"

I sucked in a deep breath. Of course, he wouldn't be listening, because unlike me, he doesn't give a damn about anything but kissing girls and getting drunk. "No. You aren't even close. I was going over the rules of the fair, and we are not going to do any of the stupid projects on that paper Mr. Gordon gave us, so I know we aren't doing the 'Potato project', as you put it."

Caspar frowned. "Why can't we do one from the paper? They are recommended."

I felt myself get irritated more and more every time he spoke. I felt like I was building up and would suddenly explode like a volcano over how idiotic this guy was. Yeah, I'm probably being totally unreasonable right now, but Caspar just - ugh! I can't even explain how angry he's making me. I'm probably just not in a very good mood right now. For what, I don't know, but I do know I should not be taking it out on Caspar. 

"Because," I said, slapping his paper down and making him look me in the eye. He looked nervous and intimidated and scared. My heart started beating faster and every single fiber in my body was telling me to stop and be the bigger person, but I felt like exploding, and I couldn't stop it. "everyone else will be doing those, and we might get extra points or credit and closer to being chosen as one of the five best in the class if we do something original."

All he did was nod and taking that as the only thing I was going to get from him, I tried about to go back to reading it, but then he said something that made me almost hop over the desk and strangle him.

"I don't have to do a lot of work, do I?"

I sucked in a deep breath, clenching my hand into a fist and slamming it on my paper, feeling it crinkle slightly from how hard I slammed my fist on it. Stop it, Joe! I yelled at myself, but I couldn't stop myself. Caspar was just so irritating and I wanted to wipe that stupid innocent look off of his stupid face.

Being smart enough not to hit him, although I felt like I should do it very much, I just said: "Listen here, blondie. This is a group project, NOT an independent project. You will be doing half the work, and I will be doing half the work, and we will be cooperating together, and it will be better than everyone else's or I swear to GOD I will chop your balls off. I know what you're probably thinking; wow, he's so unfair, but you need to grow the hell up. I will not let you, or anyone else, make me do their work in a group project. If I do, I will go straight to the teacher and let you fail. Got that?"

Every word I said came up as if it were vomit, and when I was finished; my brain was screaming at me, telling me to apologize, that I had no right to speak to Caspar like that, that I was a total fucking idiot and I should never do that to anyone again. My heart was beating ten times faster than normal, and my chest was heaving slightly. My face was red, and as my anger simmered down, it turned into embarrassment.

"Now," I said, picking up my paper with trembling hands; my voice smaller than it was a few minutes ago. "We will go over the ru-" before I could even finish what I had to say, the bell rung, signaling second period. Before I could tell Caspar to go over everything when he got home tonight, he was running out of the room with his friends Marcus and Alfie right behind him before I could even blink.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

'He's a nightmare, honestly. No wonder he hasn't got any friends.' Is probably what Caspar may be telling his friends right now, but a lot less Harry Potter-like. I know he must think something along those lines, because I'm not stupid. I know what I said, and I feel absolutely embarrassed for saying it now. He must be thinking, and probably talking, about how bitchy I am right now to his friends, and how he wished he could trade partners.

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