chapter 15

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Tiki silently nibbled on her cookies. She heard some shuffling through the fabric of Marinette's purse. It was the usual day of waiting in her purse, pretending she didn't exist.

It was Tiki's least favorite part of the day. School time. It was so boring. Too boring.

Tiki decided that maybe one peek out of the purse would be okay. Maybe even try and sneak into Marinette's backpack to meet up with Plagg? Yeah, she'll try that.

Carefully and with caution, Tiki slipped out of Marinette's purse without getting noticed and into the backpack she went. To her surprise, Plagg was already waiting there for her. "Took you long enough," Plagg grunted, almost silently.

"Sorry," Tiki smiled apologetically. "I was scared to get caught," her voice a whisper.

"Tiks (Teeks), that's what we're always supposed to be worried about."

"Lower your voice," Tiki scolds. The bell rang at that moment, drowning out her words. They froze. Suddenly, they were being lifted and they heard chattering.

"Oh no. We estimated the time wrong. Plagg you're not supposed to be here. You need to get back at Adrien," Tiki panicked. Being stuck inside Marinette's back pack wasn't fun and once she found out Chat Noir's Kwami was in with her, it was sure going to be a disaster.

"Tiki?" Marinette's voice called in a panicked whisper.

"In here!" Tiki replied from inside. The backpack was being open and Marinette's first expression was relief. For like 0.0000373 seconds.

Horror, confusion, and disbelief soon took over. "T-Tiki?" Marinette stuttered. "Who is that?"

All Tiki could do was sheepishly smile.



"Okay, so lemme get this straight!" Marinette paced around her room, not looking at the two Kwamis. "You two have been conversing with each other during my school hours?! You two had the genius idea to meet up in my bag! Do you know what this means! In order to return you, I have to know who Chat Noir is! Oh no, oh no, oh no. I'm not ready for this!" Marinette ranted. Suddenly, she stopped to a halt. "Wait, this means that Chat Noir is in my classroom?!"

When The Thunder CrackedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz