chapter 7

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"So, ready for the project?" Adrien asked with a sweet smile.

"Uh, yea-yeah," Marinette responded with a partial stutter.

"Great! Shall we?" Adrien offered his arm.

Pink coated Marinette's cheeks as she gave a cheeky grin. "We shall." She confirmed, linking her arm with his.

Oh my gosh I'm actually doing this! What has gotten into me?! I'm never washing my jacket again! Marinette decided as they exited the school.

A small Ding! could be heard as they entered through the front door of the bakery. Her parents welcomed them and offered almost the entire bakery sweets, which Marinette declined, much to Adrien's disappointment. Nothing, however, could stop him from getting a croissant. So when he heard- "What about 6 croissants?"- he simply couldn't help but accept.

Finally, Marinette and Adrien made it to her room, which was thankfully, Adrien-poster free.

"So, uh, w-want to begin on the project right away or do h-homework first?" Marinette asked as she offered her computer roller chair to him.

"Thanks, and let's do homework first. Might as well get it over with!"

"R-Right! Silly me, I should k-know."



It had took half an hour for them to finish the homework given to them. Luckily, no Akumas had interrupted them... or at least yet.

Now, back to the present, Marinette and Adrien managed to finish half of the experiment. Adrien was busily scribbling down notes that would later be helpful when putting all the information down on the three-fold. Marinette was snapping pictures every now and then which some would be decided to display along with the information.

Marinette was simply sitting, legs crossed, on her bedroom floor. Adrien was on the computer chair, using her desk as a hard surface to write on. Multiple times, Adrien offered to switch places with Mari so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable from just being on a hard floor. Of course, she declined every time.

After a few more minutes, Adrien used his hands to boost himself away from the desk to roll near Marinette. "I think we could use a break." He suggested, almost begged.

"I was just about to say that," Marinette stood and stretched. Marinette picked up the plate of croissants and held it out. "Want one?"

"Is that even a question?" Adrien chuckled as he grabbed the treat. Right away, the heavenly flavor melted into his mouth, earning a moan of pleasure to escape Adrien's lips.

"Mmmmm," Adrien smiled. "Marinette these are amazing!" He complimented.

"R-Really? T-Thanks! But my parents deserve the credit. I'll make sure t-to tell them you enjoy them." Like heck! I'll tell them to sell only croissants at the bakery! That should bring Adrien here all the time!

"Awesome! So, uh, tell me more about yourself, Marinette."

"W-What?" Marinette squeaked.

"Well yeah. I don't know much about you. I mean we're friends, at least I hope, and we don't know much about each other," Adrien finished with a nervous look.

"O-Oh! Heh, heh! Yeah, I totally don't know anything about you like your schedule-"


"-What?" Marinette saved. She almost slipped everything! It would've been her doom!

Adrien gave an uncertain smile. "Okay? Um, anyway, what's your favorite color?" Pink! screamed a voice at the back if his head. Of course he knew, it was one of the many things that he learned as Chat from her.

"Pink," she answered. "Yours?"

"G-Green," he confirmed.

"Woah, ho ho!" Marinette giggled. "Tell me, is it because your eyes are green?"

"What! No way! I just think green is pretty pawsome!"

"Seriously! Why the pun!"

"It was just the purrfect opurr-tuna-ty!"

"Ugh! Double pun! Why Ch- Adrien! I mean Adrien!" Marinette internally groaned. Was she really just about to call Adrien, Chat? Ugh, she was so stupid! That would be silly. Adrien and Chat are completely different, there was no way.

Adrien luckily didn't notice. Or at least he seemed not to. "Alright! Shall we continue the project?"

Marinette gave a small smile. "We shall."

I'm definitely visiting this Princess tonight. Adrien mentally said as he gave a small smile towards Marinette. Her cheeks deepened into a cherry red. Yep definitely visiting tonight.

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