chapter 5

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Ladybug swinged from building to building trying to get on the agreed meeting spot she and Chat Noir agreed on in time.

She grunted as she landed on a rooftop and sat down at the edge, swinging her feet, waiting for Chat to show up.

She heard a soft "thump" as Chat Noir tried to sneak up on her. She watched him out of the corner of her eye and just as he was going to give his sneak attack, she spoke up. "Try harder next time, Chaton," she giggled.

"Aww man!" complained Chat. "Come on Ladybug! You've got to stop predicting my sneak attacks!"

"And you need to stop being so obvious of your arrival," she tossed back at him as he sat next to her, his feet dangling along.

"We should start patrolling now," Ladybug said, looking over the city, not meeting Chat's eyes. She was leaning back on her arms and the soft breeze went through her hair, making it blow against her face delicately.

"I don't see why not," Chat replied, standing up and stretching out a hand for Ladybug to take.

She took it and stood up, dusting herself. "Alright, well I go this way and you that."

"Alrighty! See you here in an hour?" Chat asked.

"Yep," she hummed.

"Couldn't have sounded better, My Lady."

"Just go already, Chat!"

Chat nodded with a smirk and jumped off in opposite direction of Ladybug, starting patrol.

Ladybug gave a satisfied grin and threw her yoyo onto the chimney of a roof and tugged on the string, starting her patrol.



1 hour later, Ladybug and Chat Noir met up in a nearby roof. "Anything happen?" Ladybug questioned.

"Nothing big. But I did help an old lady from a burglar," Chat explained.

"Good job, kitty!" Ladybug smiled as she scratched Chat's chin temporarily. "No Akuma for me either. Just a kitten afraid to come down from a tree."

"At least this cat isn't afraid," Chat said, pointing to himself proudly.

"Yeah, yeah," Ladybug rolled her eyes. She stood confidently atop of the roof, looking over the city of love. Her city. She gave a sideways glance at Chat and saw him looking over his city proudly and confident. Just like her. She smiled at that.

"Hey Chat?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, still looking over the city. Ladybug leaned back in her arms and gave a warm smile.

"You're a great partner. I couldn't have asked for a better one. Although the puns annoy me, I still find you as a great partner," she said, turning her head to face Chat.

Chat looked at her in the eye and smiled. "Thanks Ladybug. I appreciate it."

Beep, Beep! Beep, Beep!

Chat looked down at his miraculous and realized he only had 2 pads left. "What?! I didn't even use Cataclysm!" He said in disbelief.

"Maybe your Kwami is just tired," suggested Ladybug. "Anyway, you should go. See ya!"

"Goodnight, M'Lady," Chat said with a final kiss to Ladybug's hand. This time however, she didn't pull away. She blushed.

"Bonne nuit! Au revoir! (Have a good night! Bye!)" Ladybug smiled and left into the unknown.

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