Chapter 1

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"Hooray, Marinette has made it to school seconds before the bell rings!" Alya exclaimed jokingly.

"But I still made it!" Marinette laughed.

"Yeah, but it barely counts!"


Ring! Ring!

"Told you it was seconds before the bell rang," Alya said as she crossed her arms and laughed.



Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back! Adrien mentally scolded himself. Ever since the morning he had, his mind kept going back to Marinette. How did he not notice what an amazing girl she was, before? He had no idea. Okay, maybe just a little peek won't hurt. He gave in. If it had been another moment without seeing Marinette's soft features and beautiful eyes, he would have exploded. He turned in his seat slightly and glanced at Marinette.

She was busily scribbling away the notes displayed on the board. Okay, now look away. I said look away! Adrien looked back at the board. He didn't realize how hard it was going to be to avert his gaze from her. He had to practically force himself. He gave a sigh and rested his chin on the palm of his hand. All he could think about was the girl with blue hair, done in pigtails and her blue-bell eyes. But, which girl was he thinking about? The one who sat behind him or the girl who worked with him, her identity hidden with a mask. He couldn't decide.



Concentrate, concentrate! Marinette was having a hard time paying attention to anything. A certain cat was all she could think of. Ever since the morning she had, his mischievous smirk and determined eyes wouldn't leave her brain. She looked back up at the board and scribbled down her notes. She noticed Adrien cause some movement but didn't pay attention to it. Instead, she payed attention to the board. Eventually, her thoughts went back to Chat.

Dammit, why can't I concentrate?! Chat, this is your fault! Marinette mentally cursed him. She gave up on the lesson and instead let her mind wander to Chat. She missed his warmth and wished she could cuddle up against him in this moment. Wishing she could run her hand through his messy, soft hair. She gave a sigh. I hope he visits tonight. For the rest of the school day, all she could think about was a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. But which boy was she thinking about? The boy who sat in front of her, or the boy who worked alongside her, his identity hidden by a mask. She couldn't decide.



"Hello?! Earth to Marinette!" Alya waved a hand in front of a daydreaming Marinette. When no response came, Alya nudged her shoulder. "Marinette!"

"Ah! Huh- What? Akuma?" Marinette stammered.

"Akuma?" Alya broke into laughter. "No silly! School's over!"

"Wait what? Really?"

"Yes. And lucky for you, I wrote down your notes. You were so distracted today! What's up?"

"Oh n-nothing."

"Hey girls," Nino greeted as he and Adrien came walking up to them.

"Hey Nino," they both said.

"H-hey Marinette," Adrien smiled.

"Hi Adrien. What's up?" Marinette said without a stutter. She didn't even feel nervous or anxious talking to him. What's happening?

Adrien seemed to blush hard. "N-nothing. About you what? I mean!- You what about? No, ah. I mean, what about you?"

"Oh nothing really. I'm just looking forward to tonight."

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