chapter 10

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"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

"What does this devil want," muttered Alya.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling it isn't good," Marinette responded with an eye roll.

"When is it ever good?" Alya snickered.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" demanded Chloe.

"What do you want, Chloe?" sighed Marinette, finally turning to face Chloe.

"What do I want?" Chloe emphasized harshly. "More like, what do you want! Getting close to my Adrikins is off-limits!"

"Uh, and since when were you elected to choose the rules for people?" Alya asked.

"Shut it, four-eyes! This is between Maritrash and I!" Chloe shouted. Class started in a few minutes and Chloe wanted to get the point through Marinette's head before the lesson began. Everyone who was present in the class so far, were quiet and were listening in on the drama Chloe started.

"Mari- who?" A voice came from the doorway.

Marinette and Chloe jumped at the sudden voice and turned to look at who spoke up. There, standing alongside with Nino, was Adrien. The voice belonged to him, and he didn't seem very pleased with Chloe. "She has a name, you know."

"Adrikins!" Chloe rushed to an annoyed Adrien. "I was just trying to protect you from a low-class, no good, person!" She clung to his arm and batted her eyelashes like a butterfly, acting innocent.

"And you think that's what Marinette is?"

"Well, of course! Look at her! She just wants you for money and fame! But I don't, I already have everything," bragged Chloe.

"Almost everything. And stop Chloe! Get off my arm!" Adrien yelled at her. Chloe was shocked, nonetheless, but she untangled herself from Adrien due to his sudden outburst. Adrien started making his way to his seat, leaving Nino behind. Halfway there, he stopped. "Oh, and leave Marinette alone. She's never done anything to you."

The bell rang right after his sentence, and in came the teacher, ordering everyone to sit down at their assigned seats. Chloe clutched an expensive necklace around her neck and stormed out.



Later that day, the bell rang, signaling that morning classes were over and it was now lunch time.

"Hey, you girls want to eat lunch with Nino and I?" Adrien asked, twisting in his seat to face them.

"Oh, uh, sorry! I can't, my mom put me on babysitting duty during lunch," Alya lied.

Alya glanced at Nino for a second with a knowing look. He immediately understood.

"Yeah, and I, uh, have to DJ a party! Sorry bro! Can't go," Nino spoke.

"W-What?!" Marinette knew darn well that they were making excuses. Of course she would love a whole lunch period alone with Adrien but deep inside, she knew she wouldn't be able to survive without fainting.

"Oh, alright that's okay. Shall we go, Marinette?" Adrien asked, standing up and offering his hand to Marinette.

"S-Sure." Marinette shyly took his hand. She could have sworn she heard Chloe screech off in the distance and the sound of Alya and Nino high-fiving as they exited the classroom.

"Sooo," Marinette trailed off as soon as they were outside the school. "Where are we going?"

"I don't have a clue," Adrien admitted with a chuckle.

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