chapter 11

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"Alright, calm down. You'll have to speak to him sooner or later," Nathalie told herself. It was well past midnight and she was thinking about the Adrien-thing. "Adrien is Chat Noir. No big deal, right? I mean, he saves the world and works alongside with Ladybug and is super famous and- and-"

"Nathalie?" asked a voice. She whisked around and was met with Gabriel Agreste.

"Y-Yes sir?"

"What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you have gone home, by now?" Gabriel questioned.

"M-My apologies, sir. I-I shall be heading home now. Goodnight, sir!" She excused herself and left the room. She practically ran out the building.

Gabriel was beyond confused but managed to keep a straight face. "She's up to something," concluded Gabriel before exiting the room and heading off.



"I've got to say Chat, I'm disappointed. I expected someone...better. Not you. I guess this is the end of us!"

"Ladybug? Please don't do this! Ladybug!"

Adrien shot up from the bed, beads of sweat rolling down his face. It was just a nightmare. He felt movement and looked at his surroundings. Oh, he was at Marinette's house. In her room, in her bed. Oh god, that was enough for his face to heat up. Marinette stirred and seemed to reach out for him unconsciously. He smiled and layed back down, accepting the warmth of Marinette and her cuddles.

This is something he could get used to. He smiled against her hair, feeling happy. Marinette was such a great person. He sighed, thinking about just how great she really was. Pretty amazing if you ask him.

Without notice, he closed his eyes and fell back into a slumber.



"Marinette, your alarm has been going off for fifteen minutes! You're going to be late!" Came her mother's muffled voice from under the trapdoor.

"Got it, Mom," Marinette reassured sleepily. She groaned and stretched out her arms with a yawn. She stopped her alarm and looked back at a sleeping Chat. She gave a warm smile before saying, "Chat, you have to go now. I've got school and I'm sure you do too."

"Nooooo," Chat groaned. He kept his eyes shut as he protested, grasping Marinette in the process.

"If you don't let me go, I won't let you come in anymore," she smirked as he immediately woke up and sat up.

"You're so unfair," he pouted.

"I know," she giggled. "But come on now, you have to leave. You can come tonight."

Chat grinned at that. "Deal." He gave a two-finger salute and left.

Marinette sighed and gave a giggle. That cat was going to be the end of her. Oh well, time to get ready for school.

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