chapter 6

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"Ughhh!" Marinette groaned as she sat up, still half asleep. "Shut up, stupid alarm." She reached for her phone and turned off the buzzing alarm. She unconsciously laid back down, ready to continue dreaming of Adrien.

"Marinette!" A voice rang. A nudge. "Marinette!" Another nudge. "MARINETTE!"

Marinette shot right back up, eyes wide. "Wha- huh?- Akuma?"

Tiki giggled. "No silly. You're going to be late!"

"Thanks Tiki!" Marinette smiled as she dressed for school.



Marinette came running into class, half tripping on her way to her seat. Marinette's back was hunched over and her hands rested on her knees. She took one last gasp for air before standing up straight and smiling. She sat down next to Alya, finally settling in. As if on cue, the bell rang.

"Wow, you made it in time... again," Alya whispered to Mari.

"Yeah, amazing isn't it," Marinette joked. Soon enough, class started and the teacher explained more of the science project that had to be done.

"Psst," came Alya's hushed whisper. She passed a note over to Marinette under the desk, not wanting to gain Ms. Mendeleiev's attention.

Marinette took it carefully and what she read made her cheeks turn a slight pink.

Did you notice Adrien staring at you when you came running in? His eyes just simply followed you!

Marinette, of course, didn't notice this because she barged in without paying any attention. Had Adrien really been staring at her?

"Ahem," came a cough. Marinette looked up and met Ms. Mendeleiev's stern eyes. Marinette gave a sheepish, innocent smile hoping the teacher wouldn't go as far as reading the note out lou-

"Would you care to read what is on that note?" Ms. Mendeleiev asked although it was more of a demand.

"Heh, um," Marinette looked down at the note in her hands and then looked around at her classmates. Chloe and Sabrina were holding back an evil laugh, Alya seemed horrified, Nino looked casual, Adrien looked worried, and everyone else were just interested in the fact that the class president had been caught.

Out of nowhere, screams could be heard outside the school. "Akuma!" One said. "Ahhh!" Another yelled. "Ladybug come save us!" The other pleaded.

Saved by the Akuma. Perfect timing, Hawkmoth.

Ms. Mendeleiev whipped her head around, hearing the warnings before escorting everyone out. "Everyone go! Get home!"

Marinette ran out before Alya could even blink and Adrien stayed behind as everyone left the room. Alya cheered for the Akuma as she set her camera to 'Recording'.

As soon as everyone was out of the classroom, Adrien called on his transformation. "Plagg, Claws Off!" A replaced Adrien jumped out of one of the few windows in the classroom.

The same went for Marinette. She made sure she was alone in the bathroom stalls before calling for Tiki. "Tiki, Spots On!" As the magic went through her body, more screams could be heard outside. Ladybug now stood and she yoyo'ed her way out of the window and into the crime scene.

"Hello M'Lady," greeted a voice from behind her.

Ladybug turned to meet Chat Noir before the duo started their fight for justice. "Hello, Chat. Let's go defeat this Akuma!"



Half an hour later, the Akuma was purified. Apparently an employee lost her job and she wanted revenge. Ladybug yanked the tag off her shirt and broke it, releasing the dark butterfly.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug yelled aloud as she threw her lucky charm into the air.

"Pound it," Chat and Ladybug called at the same time, bumping their fists.

Bee, Beep!

"Well, gotta go M'Lady! My ring's calling!" Chat bid as he used his baton to get out of the public.

Ladybug gave a small smile and nodded before her earings beeped and she herself left.

She yoyo'ed back into the girls' restroom, which was fortunately empty.

Chat, not wanting to risk being seen detransform in the classroom, entered the boys' bathroom through the window and called his transformation off.

"Cheese!" Demanded Plagg. Adrien rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Is there a day when you don't complain?" Adrien said. Nonetheless, he fished out Camembert from his school bag and handed it to the cat being. The little god hummed in delight as he devoured his favorite cheese.

Adrien exited the empty bathroom and stopped when he heard a familiar voice. He was right next to the girls' restroom when he heard-

"Tiki, Spots off!" Called the voice.

Ladybug. There was no denying it.

Plagg popped his head out of Adrien's shirt pocket when he heard the voice of Tiki.

"Is there any chance you have cookies on you?" She asked.

A muffled giggle could be heard through the door. "Here you go, Tiki."

"Thanks M-"

At this moment, Adrien covered his ears with his fingers. There was no doubt that it was Ladybug and if she wanted to keep their identities a secret, he would respect it. All he managed to learn, was that apparently her name started with M.

Wait. That means that Ladybug goes to his school! She could be closer than he thinks. And there's a chance he might know her!

Adrien looked down at Plagg who was signaling that the coast was clear and he could now unplug his ears. Adrien did and gave a love sick smile.

"Oh god," Plagg said in a disgusted voice.

"Oh you shut up! And hide!" ordered Adrien. Plagg gave an eye roll before obeying his miraculous holder.

Adrien left and went to next class, Ladybug being the only thing in his mind as he plopped down on his seat next to Nino. Nino wore a confused expression but dismissed any idea.

A sudden CRASH finally brought him back to reality. He moved his gaze from the ceiling to Marinette, who happened to trip over her own feet. Adrien didn't hesitate to get out of his seat and assist Marinette. She had, after all helped him that rainy night.

Adrien kneeled down and offered Marinette a hand. She looked up and met his gaze, the blue of her eyes giving him a funny feeling in his stomach. She gave a small squeak (which he found adorable!) and blushed before taking his hand, finally getting to her feet.

"Uh, t-thank you!" She quickly thanked before scurrying off to her seat.

Adrien watched her get to her seat before hurrying to his own. Great, now all he could think about was Marinette AND Ladybug.

This is going to be a problem, Adrien internally groaned.

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